Thursday, 26 May 2011

Hot water and circle game.

It has only taken me four days to work out that I need to run the hot tap of the sink in my room for at least 10 minutes for the water to actually be hot!

This morning we spent some time in the class room focusing on Horsenality in more depth. Then is was out with our horses for some Falling Leaf and reverse FL which is actually called S something but I forget what exactly.
B and I had a really fun time. We broke FL into its components and slowed it right down, then speeded up to trot. Loved it. Then it was expanding the 7 games so B and I had fun with sideways in trot, put your feet in the hula hoop and wear it around your neck amongst other things.
After lunch we had a tour of Parelli HQ and then a talk on Parelli Connect.
Followed by a demo on circle game and what to look for with the gorgeous Beau a huge 17 hand Trekhana.
We got absolutely soaked going to get our horses which made me feel quite fed up and a bit grumpy. I was probably just tired and it kinda worked in my favour because we went to play with circle game and I had little energy or expectation. It meant I was patient and focused on B and determined to get what I asked for without putting pressure on or getting emotional. B flipped from RB to LB by the second on some laps. She kept checking in with me but I simply asked her to continue. Occasionally she braced when she went LBE, snaking her head too. We built things up until I got 21 laps in trot in both directions!!! This has been my goal with B for a long time. It will really help our riding as it is building leadership, obedience and consistency. We are heading towards relaxation.
B offered canter but we didn't get a whole lap. We will, it's just a matter of time lol. This now means I have a lot more to ask of B when we warm up before riding next week. I think establishing more leadership will give me more confidence and less fear.
The days are passing by all too quickly! I really want time to slow down please.

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