Monday 30 August 2010

Bank Holiday Monday.

It's amazing what you can see in a field meant for horses. I wasn't sure I believed what I thought I saw so I went closer.....

Yep I did see what I thought I saw.

Here's B in her herd of five after our morning together. We played in the school after I mucked out and it was great fun. B was full of energy and attitude. I think I may have become a bit boring for her with all the standing around I usually do. So today I actually played with her. She really wanted to move so we must have dome three laps of the whole school sideways in trot! Not all in one go but there was at least one circuit non stop. She gave me trot and canter on circle game but got unconfident and kept stopping. Change of direct was what got us playing with B snaking her head with exuberance. So I took the line off and watched her leave lol. She knew Brown Bertie was in the field and proceeded to run along the short side of the school from the gate to the corner.

I played the catching game which was pretty good but our stick to me is non existent really. So I let her leave again and again and kept on playing the catching game. She didn't look afraid or snotty and eventually we did have stick to me for a short while when I asked her to come along to a barrel where there was a piece of carrot. I think it's a good start and she was even quite happy to walk to me, then next to me and be haltered.

I had caught the sight of Sandra getting ready to ride out of the corner of my eye and realised we had been in the school for quite a long time. We got saddled nicely in record time and B stood completely still while I got on and tied the line up.

Our ride was very similar to yesterday to begin with, with B napping a little as we tried to leave the yard. I think our honeymoon is definitely over and she is testing my leadership. B grumped Bertie again when she wanted to lead. So I asked Sandra to flap her hands at B if she tried it again. Do you know, she stopped doing it after that! Once in a while she tried to turn for home so I just turned her back or did a full circle. No fear today but I felt B was being very LBI and her attitude was 'I don't want to and you can't make me'. It occurred to me that B expects to go around the woods and home. End of story. I am worried we may be setting a precedent here and leading into B only wanting to do this. So we did a lot of turning away from home or going back the way we came. We even tried some sideways too which was great. She was ok with that mostly but if we got too far from Bert she wanted to trot to catch up.

At the exit we had a little bit of resistance and an attempt to nap but then B did as asked and we carried on along the start of the mile and 1/4 to the nice grass area. Bert got stuck in but B was too tense. We did some circling and walking up and down then she settled and ate a few things. Then it was back along the other way, then turn for home. Back on the yard we had a mooch and a graze around before I got off on the right side instead of the left.

I am still licking and chewing this over. It's very very interesting!

Sunday 29 August 2010

Interesting challenge.

Another terrible photo but it illustrates how unsettled Breeze was today. We had a fun play in the school to begin with and she was fine until she offered canter on the circle game for half a circle and then she lost her confidence and went introverted. I let her hang and waited util she could join me again. Then we had some sideways over a jump and a few jumps over it too. After leaving the school we stopped at the mounting block and practiced sideways to me so I can get on. I remembered to hold the snap of the 22' line and bump the c/s gently over her rump with the string hanging down the other side. 'Hey presto' B lined up straight away! Cool.

Saddling up was lovely, polite and easy. I keep attempting to try mounting on B's right side but she can't do that. It always has to be the left side. We will keep trying.

Four of us went out today. I even got to go around the yard to the arena to ask Eve if she and A.J. were ready. It's these little things that make me feel so much more comfortable and 'in control' if you like. I am conditioned into thinking my horse will not do as I ask because that's how Lizzie was. Breeze, being a different horse of course, is willing and it thrills me every time we ride.

Sandra and I thought it would be a great thing for our horses to get used to more of us riding together, what with the Hatfield ride coming up soon. Breeze was not happy about that! We had some resistance at a threshold by the road. The others went over the road but B just couldn't. I had my first real experience of her 'napping'. My immediate reaction is to say 'ok, let's see how far you can go backwards' and as soon as I do that she stops. Then we do some lateral flexion and turns and soon enough she is ok to go forward. I feel very protective of her when she is this unconfident which helps me to focus on supporting her instead of being afraid and not knowing what to do. She really didn't like being with the three geldings even tho' one of them was Bertie! She tried to bite all of them as we passed them, I figured she was feeling too claustrophobic so being in the lead would be better for her and I was right.

Because Bert is only just able to be ridden we only did the old woods in walk. I think B would have loved to trot so I kept her mind occupied with zig zag, weave - which she offered- must be a familiar thing now which makes her feel comfortable and a fair bit of circling. I also tried what I laughingly call 'shoulder in' but it's probably not that at all. It feels good tho and I found B was better on her left side. No surprise there then.

In the photo you can just make out Sandra and Bert and the two darker shadows behind of Eve on A.J. and Jan on Cochise. It was fun to be up in front all the way round and find things for us to do rather than just go in a straight line. I have noticed straight lines make B go faster!

So that has probably given me an idea of how B might be on our sponsored ride. If that's the worst I have nothing to worry about. We plan to have more rides with more horses in the next four weeks.

I let B wander around the courtyard after unsaddling and hosing the mud off her feet. It's still a teeny bit frustrating for me as she doesn't like to stand still yet. But slowly she gets better at it. I watched her mooch about the yard, stopping to pick at the straw and hay on the ground. I watched as the reins slipped forward bit by bit util they fell over her head and she managed to get her left front leg wrapped up in them. This made the reins tight on her poll and she couldn't move or even put her leg down. Instead of freaking out which I think she might have done four months ago, she stood still and just looked at me, waiting for me to come and release her. How marvelous is that!?

Saturday 28 August 2010


While we waited for Sarah the barefoot trimmer I played with Breeze around the yard and on the rough ground as there was a horse in the arena. After some put your nose on this on all the farm vehicles and some circle game and sideways I set up the barrels and we played side ways over it and put your nose on this on these too. Breeze really loves this game! She is very food orientated lol.

When the arena was free we went in and did some driving from zone 5, weave game! Just like it used to be with added snaking of her neck and little leaps when I send her. I wonder if this is dominance as well as exuberance and it made me laugh my head off. So pleased we are back together on this one.

We followed that with some more sideways and over a jump then suddenly she went intro and switched off. So we stood and chilled while I stroked her head and waited. When she came out of it we went over to the blackberries and I picked a few handfuls for her.

Sarah arrived and trimmed B's feet. We got a score of 6.5 and Sarah agreed that B has beautiful feet. The good news is Bert is growing new hoof fast! Sandra rode him today for the first time in 4 weeks so she is very happy. We think he is over the worst and just needs to get fitter for our sponsored ride. I have my riding buddies back! Hooray!

This evening I thought I would collect some of B's poop in a bag and take it home for my compost. I got an empty chaff sack and went into B's stable to empty the bucket off poop I picked up from just four hours in there. She must have been able to smell the chaff residue and happily stuffed her nose and head right to the bottom of the plastic bag to lick up every last bit. Cool. I guess she definitely isn't afraid of plastic bags lol.

Tuesday 24 August 2010


We haven't used the round pen much lately. I think Breeze finds it too claustrophobic so today I set up a squeeze game with two panels of it. I asked her to come with me as I set the panels up which meant a lot of to-ing and fro-ing with B having to yield her HQ. I figured if I have to do it she may as well come along too lol. I think she quite likes it and offers 'put your nose on this' every time I got a bit set up. Plus we get to play back up when I open a panel out.

When it was set up we played yo yo game a few times with a treat when she came to me. The idea I have is to reward the draw so she learns not to pull on the line.

Speaking of backing up . . . . . having had time to lick and chew and read all I can about RBI again in the Savvy Club vaults and on the forum I tried to be more assertive today. I asked for some falling leaf and fig 8 which went ok. We had a little circle game but soon enough B refused and wanted to pull on the rope and go backwards. So with a blinding flash of the obvious I had Linda's voice in my head saying 'Backwards? Cool let me help you and see how fast and far we can go backwards!' Breeze went back wards the whole length of the school!

Whenever she gave me sideways I said thanks but I would like backwards and quickly please! Halfway down the short side of the school I asked her to circle and we got it! Beautiful trot, a little ragged at first with some head tossing, then she dropped her head and went around and around. I left her to do as many laps as she wanted which turned out to be at least 10 before she looked at me and asked to come in. I gave her a treat and let her rest and watched as she licked and chewed after munching the carrot. When I asked for change of direction she tried to back up again so I said 'let me help you!' This time B didn't go far and we had circle in walk then trot and some more cod then after a while she came in. Cool.

We played a bit more, sideways at the end of the 22' line with stops for blackberries which she picked herself, fig 8 around the cones, extreme friendly game, over a jump turn and face, then I asked B to come with me to put the panels away. Again she liked the game but realised there were lots of blackberries behind where I was stacking the panels so I left her ground tied to eat while I put the rest away.

I let her rest outside her stable and eat some hay while I mucked out then saddled up, which was really good again and headed for the woods.

Breeze went introverted again a couple of times so I waited and played friendly game until she was ready to carry on. We saw cockerel feathers along the way. I guess the foxes got the chicken last night. B went in and out if the 'log trailer' happily and we made our way to the top of the old woods.

It took a while for B to get into position and once I was up she really could not stand still for me to organise ropes and stirrups! It was pretty windy today and the occasional gust spooked her a little. It wasn't a very comfy ride to begin with. B did her choppy walk and trot. I was in two minds about getting on but I felt safe and calm and I don't want to start thinking I can only ride when conditions are' perfect'. We went straight home with a few transitions up and down and B was pretty calm. I could feel she was alert and she snorted a few times at dangers in the bushes. At the exit she turned and went back a little way when I asked so she got a lot of praise. Then into the car park where we did some circles and follow the rail.

I recognised someone who came to chat.. she used to ride Lizzie side saddle years ago and reminded me of the time when Lizzie dumped her out hunting. This lady is sure it was premeditated on Lizzie's part, which I am sure it was lol. That was Lizzie, the scheming, clever dominant LBI. She taught me such a lot, which is really helping me with Breeze. I hold her memory close to my heart. Remembering her still makes my eyes fill with tears and I miss her badly. My love for her hasn't diminished. Now I have love for and from two horses!

Breeze got a lot of praise and strokes and stood still for ages while we chatted. I was so proud of her and myself for our achievements and the relationship we have got in just three short months. She was happy to turn away from the yard and go to the back of the car park while the lady and I exchanged phone numbers. Then it was across the very busy road today and to the courtyard. It has taken a while for B to understand about standing still when I get off lol. She did have trouble staying balanced while I dismounted to begin with but she waits patiently now.

We walked together to the field and I smiled at how soft and gentle and polite we are with each other. Having Breeze in my life makes me feel very honoured. I watched her join the herd and marveled that such a beautiful creature could be mine. Then I got pestered for scratches by Patch and then Toby at the gate which I was more than happy to give.

Sunday 22 August 2010

Sunday lunch!

We took the horses into the woods again and B was in an eating mood! We had warmed up with a play in the school and B was resistant about circle game again. I try to get our play to flow with one game progressing into another. She is ok with all of it except for circle. We end up playing yo yo so that she won't pull back on the rope but it is still something she cannot move on from. She gave me a few laps in walk and change of direction once or twice. Looks like it will take more time so I need to be patient. We weren't alone in the school but I don't know if that made a difference in B's mind.

Today B was much less introverted and didn't go much except for once in the school. She looked like she was going to go intro once or twice but she came out quickly. She cut her back leg on the log trailer, instead of looking where she was going she was too busy stuffing her face with leaves lol. I did all the pre-flight checks and got in our usual place. B seemed quite unhappy once we set of away from home to begin with and tried to go home. We didn't fight but I was persistent in where we were going. B wanted to bite Bert a lot which I read as unconfidence. I wonder why she gets like this. Perhaps I should have got off but I wanted to see if we could deal with this in the saddle.

We had a nice walk down the straight with Sandra and Bert trotting up ahead and onto the viaduct where Bert grazed. B didn't want to. She needed to move her feet so we circled a little then a squirrel made Bert spook and then I knew B needed to go home. B and I set off next to Bert and Sandra to begin with but I could feel B needed a faster pace. Agreeing to wait at the top for Sandra we trotted up the straight. Funny how B is focused and her trot even and smooth when we are going homeward lol. We walked as we passed a couple of riders going past us then trotted again to the top.

And then the fun started. B didn't want to stop and wait for Bert and Sandra. She wanted to go home, in trot. We turned into the old woods and for a split second she was ok about it. Then she realised we weren't going home and stopped and wanted to turn. We circled a little but that just wound her up more lol. Back to the top of the straight and I just stopped riding and stroked her. She tried to be calm, bless her but it was almost too much for her. We had a little bit of napping but I persisted and focused on thinking calm and still and against B's better nature she managed to wait. Bless her.

Because Sandra and Bert were walking they were too slow for B so we weaved in and out of the trees. B was ok with that except if we did full circles around the trees because that was going away from home. There's a wide part of the bridle path where we can fig 8 and B got resistant about it, I asked her to go right and half circle the tree but at the last minute she decided not and went left. . . . but it was too late and she head butted the tree! She backed up a few steps and we went right around the tree and carried on!

There was a cockerel in the woods! B doesn't think they belong in the woods and it unsettled her a little. So from the 'log trailer' on to the exit she was very alert and listening. We had a little mooch around the yard when we got back. I had intended to go in the school but there were too many people around. B and I don't need an audience.

Saturday 21 August 2010


Breeze was very interesting today. We saddled up after some play and a groom and Sandra put Berts boots on and walked him online. Bert is off 'Bute' now and feeling much better. Looks like his feet are hardening up much to Sandra's and my relief!

Breeze wasn't scared by the blackberry bushes today. In fact we all spent a long time eating blackberries and chilling. Today Bert seemed to have more go than B and she was the most consistently introverted I have seen her. She would be ok one minute and we would play sideways or weave and then she would drop her head to sniff some leaf or poop and then stand staring at nothing for ages. Sometimes I stroked her, sometimes I just sat or stood and waited, then asked her to move on when I felt she was ready. We did this all the way to the top of the old woods when she began to be more alert and with me.

Breeze lined up in one easy move, accepted the rope being thrown over her head and stood still while I got on and did my ropes up. We set off following Sandra and Bert.

We had a great ride. I was totally relaxed and mostly left the reins on B's withers. We did a lot of 'off piste' and a lot of laughing as I ducked the low branches. We got as far as the other side of the viaduct and turned around. B was happy to lead then lol. But she reached a huge threshold as we neared the bridge and I felt her get tense then spin and try to run away. I one rein stopped her and we turned around and tucked behind Bert for safety.

We walked up the straight and Sandra played with Bert and did some driving from zone 5. Nice. Breeze and I ambled along, then did some weaving and circling and on to the exit. Breeze hesitated slightly before carrying on along the first part of the mile and 1/4 where I asked her if she wanted to graze for a while, which she did. Then it was back to the yard where we realised we had been out for two hours!

This evening I put on my ipod and grazed B around the yard for an hour, playing stop and eat here then move on please. Happy days!

Thursday 19 August 2010

Another solo ride.

We had the easiest saddling up today and B seemed very quiet and happy. We did a little more practice of NOT pulling back on the rope. B is getting much less resistant now and spends a lot less time with her head up, rolling her eyes at me. Our 'Mexican stand off' is getting shorter and shorter too. Cool.

Today I focused on her thresholds as we went for a walk in the woods, noticing where they were and giving her the time it takes to move on. She went quite introverted a couple of times until we got near the top of the old woods. I let her rest longer both times and she didn't want to be stroked so I just waited. We were passed by someone I know from Liz' old yard who always says she thinks I am crazy to ride a horse in a rope halter, as her horse jigs and cannot stand still while she hangs on for dear life. I tell her she is the crazy one and we laugh and go our separate ways.

Here's a photo of B going introverted by the side of a tree. She doesn't stay like it for long or go really inside herself anymore. After that we didn't find too many thresholds.

When we got to the logs at the top of the old woods she seemed relaxed enough to ride and we did some more pre-flight checks and I noticed the girth did up one hole tighter than usual. While I stood on the log and asked B to line up she needed to move a bit. She went round me a few times stepping over the log again and again which made me laugh. She was less eager to move today when I got on, I am surprised at how LB she is when we ride. I notice it more and more and am grateful that she doesn't need to move fast all the time.

Breeze didn't want to go down into the old woods but she did want to go down the straight which was fine with me. We sauntered along and I pedaled my feet and moved my arms in time with her too. It helps me relax and helps her keep her momentum going. I really enjoyed her company. I am so pleased we can ride alone, just the two of us. She didn't want to go as far as the Viaduct either so we turned to go up the old woods.

Along the way we saw a cat. B spooked, jumped in the air and spread her front legs, head down and snorting. It was quite funny really. I always laugh when she finds things scary, it helps me stay calm and means I can concentrate on helping her by stroking her neck/withers and talking to her. We did this most of the way along until she had calmed down and relaxed then I asked her to trot. She couldn't maintain gait so we did a lot of transitions lol.

Then it was weave around the trees and fig 8's and we stopped by the wood yard. I picked some blackberries and fed them to her which was fun but we both got in a bit of a mess. Then around to the 'parking place' where we got sideways for the first time! Both ways! I haven't done this before while riding and I was very pleased although it takes a bit of getting used to. Can't wait to get used to it!

Again B found a threshold at the same place she was really frightened the other day but it's not as extreme now. I stroked her and talked to her. She really likes it when I tell her what a clever/good/beautiful girl she is. It doesn't matter what I say really, she just likes the sound of my voice and the feel of my hands I guess. She relaxed and we carried on to the exit and home.

This evening she was waiting at the gate to come in. I have to smile to myself when I can ask her to squeeze through the small gap I make with the gate so none of the other horses waiting can get through. Safe for all of us. Breeze let me brush her all over too and pick out all four feet in her stable. Funny how as soon as I mention how things are, they change.

Sunday 15 August 2010


Bertie has been checked over by the vet and put on 'bute' for a week or so. Sandra cut out some carpet tile and lined his boots. He seems a lot more comfortable and more himself. So Sandra took him for a walk and I saddled B and went along too.
It took B a long time to relax. At one point right by the tree stump she got very scared by something. I haven't seen her this frightened before so we spent lots of time playing approach and retreat until she was calm enough to walk past whatever was in the vicinity that was scaring her.
After that B needed to move her feet and she gave me some amazing side ways in trot, without a fence too and . . . fanfare here please . . . tadaaaaaaaa!! Sideways towards me!!!! I thought it was a fluke first time but she did it a second time too lol. Then she dropped her head and stood blinking for a while but not as introverted as she has been sometimes. I gave her lots of time and stroked her head then it was heads up and go and eat. Cool!
Bertie was being an unmotivated LBI and really testing Sandra. So I reminded her about phases and that she would know if Bertie was listening when he gave her both eyes. We had a discussion about it as we walked along around the old woods and it was lovely to see her smile and notice Bert giving her all his attention from then on.

Breeze had relaxed and blown out a few times and looked rideable so as we reached a huge fallen log near the top of the old woods I hopped on and rode B the rest of the way home. We had a lot to do today. Other groups of riders which B wanted to follow. Slowing down by circling to wait for Bertie and Sandra. A lot of weaving and circling. What a joy to feel so connected with my lovely horse and do all the stuff politely. Again she was listening, I stayed calm and we were perfect partners. I felt totally empowered! I have not had a lot of practice riding freestyle and never progressed as far as I wanted with Lizzie. We did the basics, Lizzie and I and had a wonderful time. I guess I am saying I want more and happily Breeze is responding really well and we are both progressing fast.
She was frightened again in the same spot on the way home so she let Bert lead as I stroked and soothed her.

Bolstered by our fabulous ride, back on the yard we went into the school and I did a tiny bit of ppl and then we did . . . . . NOTHING!!! Hahahahahaha! Lots and lots of nothing! Breeze was totally relaxed and I gave her treats and chatted to Sandra until I felt it was enough and we left. Back to the courtyard where I got off and groomed her as she followed me around with a really soft look in her eyes. Brilliant.

P.s. Breeze likes blackberries. We found some huge ripe ones on our walk and I hand fed her some. The berries coloured her tongue bright red lol.
I took Sandra and a barrel to a quiet spot on the yard and had her hit the barrel with the C/S, great fun. I think she fully understands phases now.

Saturday 14 August 2010

Playing in the woods

Breeze and I ignored the rain and went for a short play in the woods this morning before I went to work. Here is yo yo backwards . . .

. . . and forwards . . .

. . . and sideways.

We even trotted together with my arm resting on her back, usually she doesn't like me being in zone 3 and that close lol.

Lately B has become a bit dominant in her stable. I am putting it down to hormones because the other day she bared her teeth with her ears back when I went to scratch her back legs. She has always been funny about me going near them anyway and is very resistant to having her back feet picked out in the stable so we do that outside now. But it did scare me for a second. It brought up worries from when Lizzie first showed signs of damaged stifles. I really had to push those emotions to the back of my mind quickly and not project them onto Breeze.

I asked for some circle game by the wood yard and she gave me some lovely calm walk and C.O.D before another horse and rider showed up and she went into pull on the rope mode. I had asked her forward to move out of their way and it was just too much pressure, I guess. I will have to work on that. I am so conditioned into wanting to out be out of other people's way, lol. I can almost feel my own thoughts whizzing around as I think 'quick, move B out of the way, quick!' it must feel like a lot of sudden pressure to Breeze. Especially if the other horse is anxious and pacing, reined in by their riders as they often are.

It was a different horse that came out of her stable in the evening. We had a graze around the yard and B was quite jumpy, listening to every sound and once almost running into me. I was ready to block her even though she was behind me. I felt her in my space without even having to look! We played a lot of go and eat here and here and here and she soon calmed.

She inspected the empty space where recently the muck heap monster had grown to unmanageable proportions. The smell must be very overpowering for her lol. Then it was back to her stable where I skipped out and remembered to untie her from outside before putting in the refilled hay net! Not making that mistake ever again. Phew!

Thursday 12 August 2010

Just being a horse

Breeze has been living out for the last few days. It's been lovely going to see her and be greeted with this sight in the evenings lol. I am becoming less worried about her being out and enjoying having lie-in's and not spending time mucking out.

There has been a shift in the herd dynamics and we now have a new herd within the herd. Brown Bertie and his harem, which includes Breeze and three other mares of different shapes and sizes.

Here's Breeze, Brown Bertie and the smallest of the harem.

And Breeze doing what comes naturally.....she has had the hots for Brown Bertie since he came to the yard a little while ago.

Its been interesting to spend time with B in the field. She comes over to me repeatedly to lick my hands, then go back to the harem. Unless I sit on the ground, when she will come over and graze around me. Actually a lot of the horses are interested in me if I sit down. Even Brown Bertie came and investigated me at one point. I have missed her a little though, but there will be lots of time to enjoy her company when turn out becomes limited when winter sets in.

Sunday 8 August 2010

Well I'll be . . .

Usually on a weekend evening I take B for a walk/graze around the yard because she has been in her stable all afternoon. So we had our usual mooch about and she stuffed her face. I bleached the underside of her hooves as part of the ongoing treatment for thrush and skipped out her stable.

The yard was very quiet and the school empty so B and I went in there for a play. I didn't want to play for long, just see what horse had turned up lol. B didn't offer her usual sideways the minute we got in, or side passing anything. I played friendly game and we walked about a while as I asked her to 'put your nose on this'. Then I asked for yo yo, giving her a treat every time she came towrds me without resisting. She di blow up just a litle once and I turned the going backwards to going sideways one length of the school to the gate. Then I managed to be where I needed to be to ask her to yield her HQ and got to my left. Which neatly developed into the circle game!!! She asked to come in a couple of times and I have promised myself I will ALWAYS allow this and reward her with a scratch. The she just carried on circling! We had about six laps of circle in trot, then I asked her in, gave her a treat and a rest.

I carefully asked her to back up and wait, then I carefully asked her to circle the other way . . . and she did! No blowing up, no braciness, just happy circle game! Woohoo! We then had C.O.D. and B slowed to a nice walk, did a couple of laps and I asked her in for more treats and scratches.

Unfortunately a couple of riders came into the school just as we were playing Fig 8 and weave/side pass around some cones. So I ended the play with some side ways down the back side of the school, backed B out of the gate and we went back to her stable where she got a big handful of carrots. Definitely on the right track I think!

Sunday ride and B's unconfidence.


I wasn't expecting to ride today. Sandra says Bert's feet are too bad even in boots so she isn't riding. I had thought to saddle B up and play in the woods and see if I can get on. So we played around the yard and got ready with a some approach and retreat with the saddle and just as I was ready to head out I saw Jan already to go out on her cob Cochise (she has had him out on loan for a few years but he is back for the summer) so I asked if we could come too.

B was lovely and still while I got on. She led the way into the woods but we met some thresholds. I let her rest and wait which was ok and she could go on. A couple of times she abruptly tried to turn around so I asked her to carry on turning and keep going. I surprised myself by not getting scared and concentrated on reassuring B and stroking her neck but being persistent and focussed about where we were going.

She seemed quite tense but happy to lead all the way round the woods although she was looking very closely at bits of plastic and other random things. Her walk is pretty fast and Coche had trouble keeping up so we practiced stopping and did some circling. We did some walk/trot transitions because B couldn't trot slowly, she did her uncomfortable joggy trot and I had a feeling if we cantered she might be too explosive. I am lucky that my riding buddies understand this. It's not about how fast we go.

She was quite nasty to Coche, almost the same as riding Lizzie. Jan noticed too and we think it must be a mare thing. I do pick them!? Biting him whenever he got too close and I am wondering if it's unconfidence not dominance. I watched some more of the Parelli Horseman's Apprentice last night and it was mentioned in a coaching session. So instead of asking B to stop it, I just stroked her and she stopped doing it. Yay!

I had such fun asking B to weave the trees and do some fig 8's and circles. That way Coche didn't have to trot to keep up and it gave us something to do other than stop and wait. She did a massive spook near the pink house! One minute she was there, the next it felt like I looked down and she wasn't there under me! The next minute she was back again and we carried on like nothing had happened. I have often wondered what it feels like when I see other horses do that. Now I know lol.

We had a bit of a mooch around the yard when we got back. Sometimes B is very curious about things and it's great to go and satisfy her curiosity. From what I could see nothing is new or has changed on the yard car park but if it makes B happy thats OK with me.

There were a lot of horses tied up in the courtyard so I thought B had better be tied up too just to be safe. She did her usual standing in her stable looking out of the open door with the 22' line tied outside her stable while I filled her hay net. As I went to put it in her stable she tried to turn to reach the hay but got in a bit of a tight spot. The line had got caught on the bottom bolt keeper of the stable door and she panicked. She was scrabbling about pulling back on the line and almost bashing into the back of her stable. I dropped the hay net I was tying to the ring in her stable, grabbed the line and undid it. Poor B was terrified and pushed her face into my chest as I cradled her head and soothed her. The rope halter had slipped part of the way into her mouth but there wasn't any damage. She calmed down almost immediately with the help of my cuddles. Hmm. I am going to have to be more careful about this in future. I usually undo the rope when I enter her stable just in case, but didn't today. I guess I am only human but should know better. Sigh. Scary stuff!!!

Saturday 7 August 2010

Sweet B.

I am cautiously thinking I am doing the right thing by Breeze lol. Judging by this evenings events anyway. This circle game resistance has really made me rethink what we do. I can't deny I am disappointed, not in Breeze, but my own savvy. I was really enjoying all of our games and I feel a bit restricted and that something is lacking because we can't play with the circle game. I am sure it will pass but in the meantime I am trying to find ways of improving our relationship.

After her dinner B and I went for some UDT around the rough ground on the yard. I did nothing while she grazed except play go and eat here and here and here! Also, keep out of my space, which is timely because she did a huge spook and leapt in the air, pulling back on the 22' line. I was so surprised I forgot to let the rope slide through my hands at first and got a slight rope burn on the palm of my left hand. That reminded me to let the rope slide pretty quickly!

When Breeze had her fill of grass and weeds we went back to the courtyard playing driving game from zone 5. While I skipped out Breeze did something she hasn't done for a while . . . stand on the pedestal with all four feet! I have been telling people she only does this when I am not looking. That's why the photo is rubbish! I had to get my phone out of it's holster quickly before she got off lol.

The yard was pretty quiet and the sun shone as I sat on a log and B came and stood next to me, ground tied. To my great surprise she went to sleep, standing over me. We must have stayed like this for a good 15 minutes before more people arrived, made some noise and broke the spell. B woke up and wandered off to eat stuff off the floor so it was time to put her to bed and go home.

Saturday play.

The nice thing about having a Saturday off work is there is no pressure to be anywhere else but with Breeze. Time to play in the school and see what horse has turned up. Various riders came and went and we managed to stay out of everyone's way.

Again B was resistant to anything but what she wanted to offer, particularly circle game and now weave. She seems to be addicted to side passing everything lol. I was even less emotional about it today, as I am getting used to this new side of B's horsenality. Trying not to beat myself up about how much pressure I may have put on her while playing the 7 games and getting to know her. Things were going so well and B would play all the games quite happily. I don't know why she has changed her mind about this. I will never know. All I can do is listen to her and play with the concept of making my idea her idea but respecting her idea first.

We spent a lot of time on doing nothing in between the slightest ask for things. She only blew up once and went backwards but soon didn't want to do that any more lol. We played a lot of sideways, yield your HQ's and yo yo, with treats when she came towards me after wanting to pull back on the line. The pulling back is way less extreme for which I am very pleased and proud that I see a change so quickly. Eventually I could see she was in the right frame of mind to ask for circle game. She gave me a few laps of clockwise, c.o.d. and some more laps anti-clockwise in soft slow walk! Oooh it was SO tempting to see if we could get trot but I managed not to. We ended it there after at least an hour of playing, hanging out and friendly game.

Breeze doesn't seem to go as introverted as she used to. Her head goes down and she blinks a lot but wants me to stroke her head and then she is ready to carry on. I will win her around, I will, but only on her terms and at her pace.

We went back to the courtyard and her stable but B wanted to stick to me. She didn't even want to eat. Instead she hung out with me as I chatted to friends. She let me rest my hand on her wherever I liked. Usually she gets me with her tail if I go anywhere near her sensitive spots. Even leaning on her back with my arm is not allowed. Usually. She stepped on and off the pedestal and followed me to and from the shed. I swear she would kill for carrots!

Bertie is having problems transitioning to barefoot so Sandra isn't riding him for a week. This probably means I won't be riding so much too. Maybe I will go out alone tomorrow. I will see how B and I feel. I am not feeling very emotionally fit in my 'real life', miserable in fact, so now is the time to go easy on myself and Breeze.

Friday 6 August 2010

Let me help you!

Sometimes things don't go to plan, do they. Particularly with horses lol.

I should really have bypassed the school this morning on the way to the field but because I haven't spent much time with Breeze this week I thought let's have a 'short play in the school'.

As soon as we got in there B offered me sideways but she noticed the herd in the field and wanted to be with them, so she wasn't really listening to me. She offered sideways over a jump and the cones but any suggestion of circle game and she got bracey and snotty! Here's how the conversation went . . . .

me: Ok B, turn and face me please. Back up and wait for the send please.

B: Err,I don't think so! I'm gonna put me head in the air, stare at you and pull on the line, then back up/drift sideways!

me: Oh B, do we have to argue about this? You want to go sideways? Ok, let's go sideways over here and then stop and rest.

B: NO! I want to go backwards!

me: Ok let's go back wards, but let me help you and see how far and fast you can go backwards!?

So we do a whole lap of the school going backwards but with B also trying to turn and run and then not wanting to yield her HQ when I block her turns. Until we get to the corner by the field gate where she gets really snotty and throws a tantrum. So I stop and ask her to rest after getting in the right position to ask for HQ yield.

We stop and rest and I look at the ground, trying to look at my watch to see how long it takes her to lick and chew. I stroke her lowered head and she blinks continually. Didn't get to time it but possibly 3 minutes go past. B lifts her head and blows out. I smile and we go for a walk side by side. She won't go past me but pulls on the line if I even look at zone 5. So we play with this for a while until she realises I am not going to pull her or release the line. I stay steady until she drops her head and walks towards me. I ask for this three or four times and she stops pulling and looks at me softly as she comes to me. We stop and rest again and wait for her to lick and chew. Not so long this time.

Walk together again and then play yield your HQ in either direction at close quarters then letting the line slide out until B is at least 12' away. We get some falling leaf until we reach the opposite corner to the field corner where something in the bushes spooks her. She leaps in the air but instead of towards me she respects my space and goes away from me. Cool. More walk then slip into circle game, one lap in walk and stop and rest.

I can't not ask because I want to see if it's fixed, so it's back up and wait for the send please B. B looks at me with both eyes, waits, then drops her head and we have a very soft full lap of circle game in walk anti clockwise. Hooray! I ask her in. Big piece of carrot and scratches and we leave. Phew!


When I went to get B this eve she was up near the gate. As soon as she saw me her head went up and she immediately came towards me and when I opened the gate she walked through the gap and down the runway with me at liberty.

The whole time I was with her, feeding and picking out her feet she was polite and attentive. She allowed me to touch a lot of her really sensitive places that normally she would not be happy about. Wow! I wonder, did I make a good impression on her this morning despite the misgivings I had?

Thursday 5 August 2010

Thursday already. Again.

It's been a weird week for me. I let B stay out every night until last night when Sandra brought B in while I went off somewhere socialising. It rained a lot yesterday and there was thunder and lightening. B looked at me like she didn't remember me this morning for a while but after a lot of approach and retreat while I brushed all the mud off her, for the first time she walked with me at liberty around the yard to the field.

Tonight when I went to be caught, as soon as I got to the gate of the runway, her head was up and she walked towards me. Very sweet.

So why weird? I think I am totally institutionalised! I know that horses should really live out 24/7 but letting B stay out all night feels weird lol. I miss her terribly and then within a few days I get used to not being at the yard and wonder how it would be if I didn't have her. That thought snaps me back to reality and how much a horseless life would make me miserable. This probably has to do with previously owning an aged horse who didn't want to stay out. Interesting to find I was thinking that while B is out I don't 'have to' ride her. Blimey. My mind seems to work in strange ways. I put it down to lack of confidence on my part. How interesting!

I found out the other day from talking to the lovely girl who loaned B before me that she has had problems in the school. Makes sense given her reaction in the school with me. I did wonder why she was a little reluctant the first time and then completely RB the next with another horse being lunged. So I shall endeavour to go easy and slow and start all over again. More approach and retreat I think.

Sunday 1 August 2010

Oh yeahhhhhh!

I have just come back from one of the nicest rides. All our rides are usually good despite the odd mishap with trees and stuff but this one stands out because of our connection and me being able to tell when B was unconfident or confident. And more importantly, support and help her through the unconfidence.

We didn't play much beforehand. Yesterday and the day before we played in the school ever so gently with 5 minutes rest at one point, while I stroked B's head and let her think things over. We began the session with B doing as much side passing as she would offer, over a jump, turn and face, weave at the end of the 22' line and three laps of circle game in a soft slow calm walk at which point we left the school.

I found I was looking forward to our pre flight checks and getting on today! It feels like I am doing it all for Breeze and the asking permission really seals the deal lol. I have noticed that when I slow right down and am really quiet and gentle she really responds positively.

I noticed she was unconfident leaving the yard with lots of time to go over thresholds but once in the woods she walk off in front happily and with purpose. We led the way most of the time until we got rudely overtaken by some kids from our yard on their hyped up ponies. Unfortunately we met them hooning over a jump in the old woods and B got very RB and scared. When we asked them to remember some manners and stop and wait one of them got very insolent, which was a shame. I suspect they had very little control over what was happening and couldn't stop their ponies if they tried. Mostly I felt worried and concerned for B but it was a great test of my patience and savvy. I stayed relaxed and soothed her while she stepped backwards a bit, ready to run. She didn't run but listened to me and was WITH me. How marvelous. Sorry, I usually go off on how great I think it is to be 'in sync' with B about now, eh. I never stop feeling it's just magic to have that connection. There I go repeating myself again too lol.

How cool are these photos taken on the mile and 1/4 with us in the lead, relaxed and happy. I think they resemble the ones I have taken from Liz' back so much and that feels weird. It's also sad and bittersweet for me which is to be expected. I hope Lizzie is watching us and approves.

We practiced a lot of little things as we walked around the woods today like half halts and zig zags. I have always worried about B walking too close to the edge of the path where it drops into a ditch or worse, the river. Today I left her to go too near and she slipped. After that she stayed away from the edge, also when I asked her to move over so I wouldn't be bashed by low hanging trees she did.

Back at the yard - oh we passed the exit today without any mishaps, even stopping alone to let some kids pet B - B didn't want to leave my side so I left the rope on her withers and she mooched about with me as I did chores. I love my Breeze.