Thursday 25 November 2010

Fun in the cold.

I had to post this photo! Since B and I have been working on our draw, whenever I go backwards she wants to come to me including when I am taking photos lol.

Here is the 'proper' photo showing B's 'new' stable rug...the weather has really turned now and it's very very cold. It's a little on the large side for B as it was bought for Lizzie but it means if needs be I can put a fleece underneath if she gets cold.

Anyway, as it gets colder my good intentions seem to go out of the window and we do less and less in the evenings. I did think about saddling B tonight and going for a mooch around the yard but I didn't get there till late so instead I thought maybe just go for a short play in the arena.

Our short play turned into a longer time of great fun with B being quite energetic and very focussed on me. She hardly went intro and when she looked like she might I asked her to come to me but if she didn't I would let her rest some more. She did want to come to me which was great and we carried on playing.

Circle game is marvelous these days! B is maintaining gate and direction with confidence but I am not asking her to do too much of it. After 3 or 4 laps I ask her in for a scratch or treat. We had falling leaf forwards and back, sideways with a fence and without and she offered yo yo over a pole several times at the end of the 22' line and with me standing parallel to her. Fig 8 was great too. Lovely to see both her eyes and looking so happy. Marvelous.


  1. Well done Cilla - you are making such progress!! keep warm - yuk I hate englisg winters - so hard to be motivated to do anything....
    take care,

  2. Thanks Jane,
    It hasn't been this cold for a few winters I think. Not this early anyway. I do find the cold motivates me to get B moving, otherwise standing around makes a person very cold!!
    I realise I posted not so long ago complaining that we had taken some steps backwards! We have made some leaps forward now.
    c x
