Sunday 5 December 2010

Confidence and sunshine.

We have been having some superb play in the arena lately and this morning was no exception. I saw B offer the most amazing soft collected trot on a circle over three poles.

Saddling up was lovely and leaving the yard not too bad. We did cheat a little and Jan walked us over with handfuls of high fibre cubes which Breeze loves. She couldn't walk fast enough and was very happy to go into the woods.

We rode around the whole woods. Breeze was pretty confident but very energetic. We met a few other horses and she was determined to be with them. We did a lot of circling and zig zag! She didn't spook but was on high alert a lot of the time. We haven't been all the way around the woods in about a month so it's not surprising.

Breeze wanted to be in the lead quite a few times and was trying to bite poor Berts bum when she wasn't. I kept stroking her and eventually she stopped. I could feel the B I know is coming back again. This injury had changed her more than I realised. Maybe we have both changed a lot lately because it certainly shows in our great play sessions.

Towards the end of the ride we wet ahead quite far and played with some turning around and going back to where Bert was walking along in his own sweet time. I was surprised that B was more willing to do this today. We play with these new ideas little by little and it seems to be paying off because she is willing to decide where we go and explore around the bridle paths. She no longer seems to want to just go straight home.

While we were ahead of Bert and Sandra I decided to ask for a little trot. I had to ask a few times. I think B had forgotten how to! I wasn't sure I could remember either. Although B isn't ready for faster paces I did want to see if she could be calm and I don't want to start to think I can't trot or canter because we don't, if that makes sense. It is very easy for me to lose confidence if I don't try things when I feel able. The more I don't do something riding related the more anxious I get about it.

B gave me a lovely smooth even paced trot without any hint of wanting to rush and then we walked again, past the exit and waited for Bert and Sandra. Then it was too much for B and she really wanted to be ahead of Bert and go home. But on leaving the bridle path she decided she would take me for a walk around the pub car park.

Back on the yard we mooched about (I didn't want to get off!) for a good half an hour. Breeze was very relaxed and we did some approach and retreat nearer and nearer the gate. Excellent. We did some back up and walked around the yard behind the 'pony block', saying hello to a couple of mares she likes and B had a really good inspection of the muck heap. We did some scratching and grooming and much stuffing of face with bits of carrot. Then it was time to get off and unsaddle.

I hope we have more days like this, weather permitting. It might take until Spring but we have a great summer ahead of us.


  1. I love how you look after your own confidence, very savvy

  2. Thanks Cheryl. I am getting much better at it now. I hate that feeling of tension in my stomach with my brain telling me I am going to die!!
    I feel it less and less these days. x

  3. I love how you didn't want to get off Cilla! I can just imagine how you were feeling. :)

    ~ Beth, Parelli Central
