Thursday 30 December 2010

What day is it? Oh yes, Thursday.

Our warm up in the arena was interesting to say the least. Breeze was snotty and dominant and wanted to join the herd out in the field. I used that energy and got travelling circle game up and down the arena and over a jump until she gave me both eyes and this lovely expression.

We had some reverse falling leaf and a lot of trotting next to me, stop and back up, lateral flexion and HQ yield and we were ready to go.
Bertie dragged his heels and Breeze didn't behave like a partner leaving the yard but I know it's not unconfidence. I know B is testing me to see how far she can push me. Yet again I kept my good humour and helped her change her attitude.
I decided to count the spooks today after the first big one, which was a huge leap in the air because another human had dared to walk towards her from around a corner!! Consequently we only had one more tiny one. I decided just to go around the old woods and half way around Sandra agreed to do the same as Bert had perked up and joined in lol. Breeze offered zig zag down the straight! I think she actually does enjoy it. She was a bit mean to poor Bert who is a sweet gelding. She was snotty with him as we overtook and led the way for some of the time. She is definitely getting better at keeping her distance though and I only have to think about asking her to stop if she gets too close and she does it.
We had one tiny bit of trotting to catch Sandra and Bert up but I really didn't think B was in the right frame of mind for that. We are concentrating on being calm and I like B to be in a calm state for anything faster than walk. We will get there.

Breeze was very polite at the exit today and once over the road we trotted along the yard to shake off the mud. She wanted a mooch around again and took me to the new shed where I got off, took her saddle off and put it away. She learns fast, eh?


  1. It looks very rainy and cold.. brrrrrr she looks in great condition

  2. It was very rainy and v v cold! Still rainy but not so cold.
    I find it hard to be objective when I see her every day but I do think she is wintering well lol. She seems content and happy so I must be doing something right lol.
