Sunday 19 December 2010

Snow Sunday.

We had a great time today, us four! Bertie, Sandra, Breeze and I. Playing in the woods car park and along the bridle paths. No one around except for the occasional car or group of dog walkers. Ours were the only hoof prints so far this day. Sandra let me try and play with both the horses which although didn't go to plan was fun for me all the same.

We were out for at least an hour and it was a nice break for the horses from being in their stables and us humans worrying about the horrible weather. Breeze was very pleased to see me and I was so glad she survived the night without seeing me lol. I am so used to seeing her twice a day that one night without her isn't pleasant.
We mostly played driving game from z5 because it was too slippery for circle game, as B showed me when she spooked and ran around me! Walk was ok but I thought I would keep moving as it was too cold to strand around.

We ended up past the exit where both horses shared the freeze dried nettles. They really like them and were happy to share for once. Sandra and I took the horses home, filled their nets and went to the pub for a roast dinner and to thaw out. Then we fed the horses and tucked them in for the night. I was home by 4pm with dogs walked and no second visit to the yard which seems like a very good idea. Time to stay home and curl up on the sofa with the dogs and some more gifts to knit in time to give out for Yule.

I thought I would include a random photo of some plants in my garden covered in snow. Everything looks quite stunning really once you forget how cold it is!!


  1. Great pics and well done for taking the horses out!! Pre parelli I would never have thought of 'leading' them for a walk in the snow....

    I would now tho. Hope it warms up soon...


  2. It was above freezing for a little while yesterday! It's such a shame the horses have to stay in and can't go out in the field.
    I saw everyone else leading their horses around the yard on the slippery concrete and headed for the woods. Much more fun and safer too.
    c x
