Saturday 11 December 2010

Saturday play and lots to think about.

Breeze and I played in the arena this morning on the 45' line. It's been quite a while since we did this and it was great fun. It seems the lighter I am the lighter she is. Who knew lol.

It didn't seem like we spent a long time there. I was short on time but aware that she would be in her stable all day and needed to stretch her legs. Actually B doesn't seem to mind if she is in her stable all day or out in the field. I really enjoyed starting off at around 22' and letting the line out so the belly of it laid on the floor as she circled. I still wrestle with the 45'. It's still stiff and coiling it isn't easy. It felt that I was being watched by Pat and was acutely aware of my fumbling lol. But it was an improvement on previous play with it so I am pleased all the same.
So, circle game is improving amazingly again and fig 8 on the 45' was nice. It made a big difference to be that much farther away. It gives me a different view if nothing else. Mostly because of how the 45' feels my attitude is different, it has to be softer and that has to be a good thing. I love it.

Later on, after work, I intended to only take B to stretch her legs again. I groomed her first because I didn't manage to get all the mud off her the night before. We played with porky to get her head lower so I could reach her mane and not have aching arms. She doesn't like it much and makes faces at Strawberry and Star across the aisle while they in turn bite the bars of their stable (Strawberry) or squeal like a piggy (Star).
Our session in the arena turned into a lot of fun. There were foxes off in the distance which scared B somewhat. This made her unconfident on the circle on the farthest corner and she would turn in and come to me for safety. I acknowledged this by letting her rest and stroked her briefly but found she wasn't RB terrified so sent her out again being particular about doing as I ask and maintaining gait. We played with trotting until she could trot without going RB in both directions. Interestingly clockwise was better to begin with but both ways ended up good.

Breeze got more exuberant as we played and we, (or should I say I because I am sure B like other horses doesn't laugh) had a giggle weaving around various obstacles at trot. She trotted while I managed to keep up lol. We had some lovely jump, turn and face. When she doesn't manage it and knocks the pole down I never tell her off and rewarding the try anyway blows her mind lol. I did think if I had had the presence of mind to close the gate on the way in we might have managed some connected liberty play. Perhaps we are getting near it now and one day I will remember to shut the gate 'just in case'.

We had some falling leaf in trot and lovely back up over a pole from 22' in z3 parallel to me. Seems I have taken things up a notch seamlessly somehow. Another example of 'upping the anti' all of a sudden without realising it. I was particular again about circle game and separating back up, send and allow to clarify it in B's mind. She sometimes tries to keep on backing up and then brace which then means she will make an assumption about which direction I want her to go in. So nice to hardly lift the c/s at all but instead ask just with a gesture. How can I explain this? Having watched Pat and Linda and lots of other pp's on video and in real time do this to perfection, it actually felt today like I had got it right, judging by the feedback from B. She really is a great teacher.
We did some driving game from z5 which magically turned from back up into sideways towards me without a fence! I thought I was imagining it after the first one, then I asked again and got it. Marvelous! That was the best time to end the session, grinning.

When we left the arena B seemed reluctant to let me go when I put her in her stable. She watched me and didn't touch her hay as I ferried the last bits of my belongings from the shed to the container....we are moving sheds! All of us from our small but loved old stable to a big container around the corner. I asked B to come with me earlier in the day to see the container which she seems to like. I also asked her along to empty her poop onto the muck heap this evening. I figure if I have to do chores she may as well get the exercise too lol. Plus I get to play porky with a purpose!

The cut on B's leg has a nice scab on it now but I noticed she must have knocked it this evening and it had bled slightly. I wish it would heal completely and quickly!!


  1. "It seems the lighter I am the lighter she is. Who knew lol."

    I'm smiling with you on that Cilla. When I think how much I must 'shout' at my horse sometimes, even when I think I'm being light... Thanks for the reminder!

    A tip for softening up your 45' line - take it out on a walk around your woods one day and drag it around all those trees. That will really help. The more you use it, the more manageable it will get.

    ~ Beth, Parelli Central

  2. Yep, it's no wonder they ignore us sometimes with all the blah blah blah lol.
    I have had that 45' for three years! Taken it out twice I think. It's coming for walkies now! Thanks for the tip x
