Friday, 31 December 2010

More success.

We had a great play session in the arena today. The barefoot trimmer was due at 11.30 so we had 45 mins to play with by the time I got to the yard and said hello to B.
Sandra went for a ride but I knew there wasn't enough time for B and I to get ready. Too much pressure for both of us lol. I told her we will probably never be able to do that, like she does. I doubt it will ever be the case where I just put the saddle on, get on and go. Not in my Parelli world anyway. We come close to it sometimes when B and I only need five or ten minutes but it's always good to check in and see what horse has turned up. And its pretty much a foregone conclusion that the less time there is to get ready the more time we need.

I actually had my inventive head on today and set up a few little things for us to use, like three cones for weaving and a pole to yo yo over. Best of all I set up the two barrels I have for jumping over. I have never asked this of B as yet. I don't know why either. It just never occurred to me when we have jumps always set up anyway.

We took our time moseying about, B sniffing poop and we got sideway along the length of the arena, just to warm up. Then travelling circle game nearer and nearer to the barrels. I left a gap between the two to begin with, just to make it a squeeze game to start with. Then I closed the gap and asked her to jump it. Over she went with a lot of energy, tossing her head, farting loudly and turning to face me. I could see it made her quite emotional and then she dropped her head and went intro for a while. How interesting.

She got over that quite quickly and we went and did other stuff she likes. Yo yo over a pole, weave the cones one way in walk, the other in trot. We had more sideways and backwards from zone5 towards me for about 20'. Yay! Some more moseying and poop sniffing then more jumping the barrels. Each time B was less emotional about it, so we left it after a few successful jumps.

The trimmer had arrived by the time we left the arena. Breeze was in quite a funny mood and has been for a few days. Bossy and fidgety and this time she couldn't stand still for Sarah to trim her feet. I started to wonder if I am guilty of being too indulgent with B and not asking her to be still. I let her go wherever she likes usually and I think it tested Sarah's patience to begin with. But with some back up every time she moved Breeze decided it was better to just stand still while her hooves were done. Afterwards she entertained us all by standing on and off the pedestals. Stepping from one to the other and finally staying on both for quite a while.

This evening she was still out in the field after I put her out when the trimmer had finished. I found her standing alone by the gate to the 'pond field' waiting for me. There was a lot of mud to contend with at the hose but soon she was tucked up in her stable with a belly full of feed and munching on haylage. What a great way to end the year.

Breeze and Cilla

Thursday, 30 December 2010

What day is it? Oh yes, Thursday.

Our warm up in the arena was interesting to say the least. Breeze was snotty and dominant and wanted to join the herd out in the field. I used that energy and got travelling circle game up and down the arena and over a jump until she gave me both eyes and this lovely expression.

We had some reverse falling leaf and a lot of trotting next to me, stop and back up, lateral flexion and HQ yield and we were ready to go.
Bertie dragged his heels and Breeze didn't behave like a partner leaving the yard but I know it's not unconfidence. I know B is testing me to see how far she can push me. Yet again I kept my good humour and helped her change her attitude.
I decided to count the spooks today after the first big one, which was a huge leap in the air because another human had dared to walk towards her from around a corner!! Consequently we only had one more tiny one. I decided just to go around the old woods and half way around Sandra agreed to do the same as Bert had perked up and joined in lol. Breeze offered zig zag down the straight! I think she actually does enjoy it. She was a bit mean to poor Bert who is a sweet gelding. She was snotty with him as we overtook and led the way for some of the time. She is definitely getting better at keeping her distance though and I only have to think about asking her to stop if she gets too close and she does it.
We had one tiny bit of trotting to catch Sandra and Bert up but I really didn't think B was in the right frame of mind for that. We are concentrating on being calm and I like B to be in a calm state for anything faster than walk. We will get there.

Breeze was very polite at the exit today and once over the road we trotted along the yard to shake off the mud. She wanted a mooch around again and took me to the new shed where I got off, took her saddle off and put it away. She learns fast, eh?

Wednesday, 29 December 2010

To the woods!

I don't know what Sandra is doing with her head in this photo!

The snow and most of the ice has gone, only to be replaced by fog! The arena was waterlogged so we didn't spend much time preparing to ride. B was lovely again and we hardly had any hesitation leaving the yard. Actually she followed 'Grandpa' (who feeds her carrots every day) as he stopped traffic for us to cross the road.
We set off down the mile and 1/4 and B insisted on eating grass. I let her as long as she ate and moved on to the next bit when I asked her. Each time we moved she found another yummy patch but to begin with it took some commotion with the reins.

All went well with B looking very carefully at the fast running, swollen, brown river when we crossed the bridges. She was pretty relaxed for most of the way round and I asked her not to get too close to Bertie so he wouldn't threaten her for being too near his butt. We did a bit of zig zag to keep her mind busy although this part of the ride is pretty narrow. We passed the flooded fields near the viaduct and some of the dogs barking, out for walks with owners rattled them a little. Then Bert did the most amazing spook when a bird took off form the water in the field and both horses leaped into the air, turned tail and ran a few steps in the opposite direction.
I used to be terrified by this sort of thing! The more it happens, the easier it gets for me to deal with it and calm B down. My confidence grows and I feel less and less like I haven't a clue! It's gratifying to know I immediately react by grabbing one rein in readiness to stop B but it rarely gets that far lol. I did have to ask for lateral flexion this time until B could be calm and I also noticed she offers it now, as if it's become familiar. She soon relaxes and I always spend time on friendly game and seeing when she is ready to carry on.
There were some logs stacked on the viaduct which both horses were worried about. Bert stoically went passed with B following square nosed and snorting. She had a really good look at them and realised it was ok after all. At the bottom of the straight B decided she knew which way was home and set off ahead with a purpose. So we played zig zag all the way up because I felt she needed to move her feet and I didn't want her exploding. This worked very well including some circling and the rest of the ride was happy and uneventful.

Except, when Bert slipped on a patch of ice and scared Sandra. She called to us to stop and wait and we left the woods together into the pub car park. B was a little tense here because there was a man with a young girl watching, sweeping the ground of ice and rubbish. B found this odd, a man with a little girl, a broom and shovel, until she went up to him and licked his hand! Everyone seems to like Breeze. Despite her being very big in non horsey peoples eyes, she wins them over with her gentleness.

Tuesday, 28 December 2010

Oh boy, how interesting!

Sandra and I thought it might be unfrozen enough in the woods to try riding today. Breeze and I went for a walk in the arena and around the yard as a pre-flight check. Breeze seems very happy to stand on the pedestal with all four feet now lol.
Saddling up was lovely, as was getting on and B was happy to stand for a while as we did some lateral flexion. Interestingly, she was quite tight on the right side so we did a little approach and retreat with that.
We mooched around a bit and B took me into the arena to go and stand at the far corner to look at the horses out in the field. I gave her a treat for this and asked her to leave and follow Sandra and Bert as Sandra went to get on.
We made our way back to the courtyard where B found an empty bag of feed in a bin and got stuck into licking every last speck of it's contents. Eventually I asked her to move away by making a commotion with the reins lol. We met up with Sandra and Bert and headed for the gate. Breeze wanted to go too but stopped once to turn around. I asked for lateral flexion and turned her around. I let her relax and think about it then asked her to move again. Off we went, across the road and into the woods. Woohoo!
It wasn't as defrosted as we thought. Sandra said she didn't feel to happy about it and B decided to spook a few times. That was cool because I got to practice having a deeper seat and getting ready to one rein stop her. It never came to this and we carried on for a while, the horses stopping and eating blackberry leaves, until we got to the 'log trailer'. Breeze walked straight into it while Bert ate some more.
Sandra said she really wasn't happy about the ground and we were worried she might lose confidence so we decided to turn around and go back to see if the mile and 1/4 was any better. Breeze was very keen to be heading homeward and I had to ask her to stop and wait for Sandra and Bert. We stopped at the exit and let them go first and B decided she didn't want to follow so we had a discussion about it. B tried spinning and backing up but I just relaxed and asked for lateral flexion and for her to relax. She relaxed pretty soon and we carried on. We let the horses stop and eat by the pub garden and B was quite crabby with Bert. We tried to carry on but the ground wasn't any better that way either. We stopped a few times, I played friendly game on the fence. It seems to calm B down! We turned for home and B got very emotional and tense. You can see the yard and fields from where we were. I stayed calm and we did a little zig zag and some half halts as we went along but B really couldn't relax, she did her tense choppy walk, wanting to break into trot. I knew if I wasn't careful she might explode so I just asked her to stop and stroked her for a while and played lots of friendly game while Bert and Sandra came past. We made it into the car park relatively calmly though and then B relaxed completely. Nice.
Back at the yard B wanted to have a mooch around. I like the fact that she doesn't expect me to get off as soon as we get back and is happy to go all over the place. We played by a wheelie bin with put your nose on this and stand near enough for me to put treats on top. That was fun. I could ask B to step in any direction and then go nearer the bin. We had some great back up and then a few circuits of the car park before I got off.
The horses got to go out yesterday and again today. I am not sure they want to be out too long so I leave B for a while and bring her in as it gets dark. We will try riding again tomorrow and hope the ground is less slippery.

Saturday, 25 December 2010

Christmas day night.

I went to the yard early this evening just as it was getting dark, now about 4.15. Slowly the days get longer already woohoo! I did my chores after feeding B and giving her a huge pear as a treat that Sandra gave me for her. The temperature was dropping rapidly, it was -5 as I drove home later on!
Anyway, I sat in B's stable with her for a while for some long overdue UDT and to my surprise she stood over me and occasionally snuffled my head or licked my hands. So sweet. I carefully took some photos so as not to disturb her lol.

It didn't last long, sadly, because someone was trotting their horses up and down outside and B usually gets very tense and alert when she hears other horses go past, especially if they are trotting. Probably just as well given how cold it was getting and my dinner was cooking and almost ready. A lovely end to a great Christmas.

Christmas day.

Sandra and I took the horses for a lovely Christmas day walk in the woods and I remembered my camera! Only I forgot to check if it was charged so only got a few photos before the battery died lol. They both tucked in to as many blackberry leaves as they could find.

There was a bloke in the bushes with his Jack Russell digging around in the undergrowth which made Bert and B very alert!

I wish I had managed to get all of B's head in this shot but she kept walking towards me so there wasn't much time.

We let the horses into the arena at liberty after our walk and they spent a little time wandering about while I got on with mucking out. Breeze rolled, then they both asked to come in.

Friday, 24 December 2010

Christmas eve.

We didn't do a great deal today. The horses are still in. Breeze mooched around the yard and ate whatever she fancied. I think she doubles as a mountain goat when I am not around! Then we had a play in the arena.

It was pretty sunny so I took off her rug and let her soak up some rays and boost her vit D. She let me scratch her sides just above the stifles, that's a first and she groomed me back, very gently. She didn't look like she really wanted to do much. We had some nice circle game, falling leaf forwards and backwards, sideways and little jumps on the circle.

Lots of touch this... B really likes this game especially if bits of carrot magically appear!

We had lovely yo yo over a's B's can I have carrot now please face. I know B doesn't know what day it is today but on her behalf we wish you all a ......


Thursday, 23 December 2010

Jumping for joy!

Yeah I know, another walk in the woods. How tedious lol. My goodness but it was cold today. Above freezing but felt colder somehow. Of course that might have something to do with the biting wind and it trying to snow, again.
I tried to get some photos of B jumping and they aren't great but I don't mind. Breeze gets quite emotional when she jumps, something to do with her past no doubt, but she immediately turns to face me now because she knows what to do. She managed to wrap the 22' line around my neck after I took the first photo here lol. Smart horse!!

The tyres have gone from the 'log trailer' woohoo! We only went as far as this today but spent some time down the mile and 1/4 eating grass and nettles. It's more a change of scenery for B and a chance for some grazing because the horses are still not going out. Perhaps tomorrow?

Wednesday, 22 December 2010

Me and Breeze and the 45' came too.

Another short but fun walk in the woods this morning. I decided it would be fun to bring along the 45' line and drag it behind us to get B used to something following behind (in preparation for pulling stuff) and to try and soften it a little. I was surprised at how well we both managed lol. I didn't get tangled up and B didn't get scared or unconfident.

She ate some more freeze dried nettles until I started throwing the coils of the 45' along the bridle path which made her jumpy so we left it there. She will get used to it I am sure.

The snow/slush was very cold and my hands suffered quite a bit. Great fun though.

We have been having some marvelous sessions in the arena this last week or so. Breeze is showing me that she has learned a lot of the things we do. This morning I asked for reverse falling leaf and she went ok no problem. Nice. We are getting really good with doing stuff right at the end of the 22' in preparation for the 45' too. The sessions have been short because it's been so cold and I also think B does better if we keep it short. I will build up to longer once the weather improves. This does depend on Breeze though! She sometimes comes into the arena and shuts down immediately and goes intro. On these occasions I know she isn't up for doing much. But it's nice to see that I can bring her out of these very easily now and we get to play.

Everything we do at the moment is really cool and going well. Circle game just makes me happy. We are yet to get many laps but the few I do ask for look really nice. B's trotting is controlled and even and she no longer wants to sped up and go nuts. Maybe canter won't be far off now. We can get cod in trot now which B seems to enjoy doing.

As for backing up over a pole, that's just excellent. Going to her with a treat when she got it right has really paid off. It really helps to fix in her mind what success looks and feels like. Especially on days like today when she made assumptions about what I asked for and then got snotty when her idea wasn't mine. She had a LB explosion instead of a RB freak out. It meant we could have a conversation about it instead of stopping and helping her find calm and confidence. I like that!

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Breeze and I ventured out in the snow for a walk. She was pretty confident until we got near the tree stump. She snorted and stared very hard at it, all square nosed and scared. I waited for her to make a decision about it. Then she calmly walked up and stood on it, stuffing her face with blackberry leaves.
We had a great time going 'off piste' and playing around the trees. We found a small jump, the ground was soft enough and she gave me jump, turn and face three or four times.

We didn't stay out long and I let her have some liberty in the arena. I played catching game with her and she trotted with me away from the gate a few times. Then had a roll. Some other horses joined us but they were all geldings and B told me most emphatically that she really didn't want to be in the arena with them. So it was back to the courtyard while I mucked out.

We have both had a wonderful time on our own just enjoying the feel of a snow covered playground. No horses have been out in the fields for ages (it seems) and I can't help but worry that Breeze misses it. But she seems very happy with our little plays/walks and a warm cosy stable.

Sunday, 19 December 2010

Snow Sunday.

We had a great time today, us four! Bertie, Sandra, Breeze and I. Playing in the woods car park and along the bridle paths. No one around except for the occasional car or group of dog walkers. Ours were the only hoof prints so far this day. Sandra let me try and play with both the horses which although didn't go to plan was fun for me all the same.

We were out for at least an hour and it was a nice break for the horses from being in their stables and us humans worrying about the horrible weather. Breeze was very pleased to see me and I was so glad she survived the night without seeing me lol. I am so used to seeing her twice a day that one night without her isn't pleasant.
We mostly played driving game from z5 because it was too slippery for circle game, as B showed me when she spooked and ran around me! Walk was ok but I thought I would keep moving as it was too cold to strand around.

We ended up past the exit where both horses shared the freeze dried nettles. They really like them and were happy to share for once. Sandra and I took the horses home, filled their nets and went to the pub for a roast dinner and to thaw out. Then we fed the horses and tucked them in for the night. I was home by 4pm with dogs walked and no second visit to the yard which seems like a very good idea. Time to stay home and curl up on the sofa with the dogs and some more gifts to knit in time to give out for Yule.

I thought I would include a random photo of some plants in my garden covered in snow. Everything looks quite stunning really once you forget how cold it is!!

Saturday, 18 December 2010

Before the snow fell.

Breeze cannot stay off the pedestal even when it's snowing and slippery! I love how Parelli enables us to go and have a play in the woods no matter what the weather is doing.

Breeze always seems to be able to find something to eat. We had a leisurely walk with a lot of driving game from z5. The ground is very crunchy and I could see B was concentrating on where to put her feet.

We stopped off at our 'log trailer' and even though it's still full of tyres she didn't seem to mind.

Past the exit she stuffed her face with freeze-dried nettles and we hung out marveling at all the golfers out in this weather. It had started to snow and didn't stop for most of the day. We are experiencing the worst winter for 25 years and actually I can't remember the snow being this bad here, ever. It was -6.5c last night as I drove home from the yard!

I have hidden carrots in B's hay nets for her to find while she is stuck in her stable. I am sure she won't mind being there. I found frozen sugar beet in the bucket in the shed and knocked it out for her to eat. She thought that was a great game but didn't eat all of it so I left it to thaw out in her manger for later.

I am worried I won't be able to get to the yard by car this afternoon and am contemplating walking the 2 miles which may take 45 minutes! It did last year!!! We have had about 4" of snow as I write this. I HATE this weather.

Thursday, 16 December 2010

Horse of the Year Show.

I don't know a lot about any form of traditional horse sports, except that I dislike most of it. I kind of like dressage but only because I have seen it from a Parelli point of view watching Linda and Lauren Barwick. Watching those horses last night gave me a lot to think about. I noticed how some riders seemed kinder to their horses but it makes me cringe to see them slap their horses as a thank you after the tests. Some were allowed a loose rein and even a treat at the end! I hated to see the saliva dripping from their mouths and splashing down their chests and legs. It seems like a very strenuous few minutes for a horse to be involved in and requires a lot of time and training I am sure. Some of the horse did look like they were enjoying themselves and there was an obvious bond between horse and rider but all the same I am glad I don't do any of that to my horse.

These horses and riders are obviously athletes of the highest caliber and it was less uncomfortable for me to witness compared to the show jumping! Sandra and I could only watch a little of that because I for one cannot bear to see the horses mouths so harshly pulled all the time. I just cannot understand why they just don't give the horses enough rein for them to move naturally. I guess I never will.

Well, that's my opinion aired on that subject lol. I wore my Parelli jacket with pride and spent money I shouldn't have by buying Breeze a new stable rug and me some beeswax hand cream for my dry, cracking hands and some thick thermal socks. There was nothing else I could possibly want there, even if I could afford it.

Bad to better to brilliant!

Someone has dumped tyres in our 'log trailer'!

Along the 'old woods'

We had a very short but excellent pre ride play in the arena. In the rain. This was especially good in my opinion because it's been a weird week so far. Monday night B was in a very odd mood. Very very pushy and grabby and in the evening I went home having taken her mood personally. She did not want me to brush the mud off her or her feet but mugged me constantly for treats. I resolved to stop giving her so many and she wasn't very pleased about it Tuesday morning.

Tuesday evening I realised her mood was because she was obviously not feeling very well. She refused her evening feed and in fact kicked it all over her stable. She hardly ate any haylage or drank any water and she had hardly pooped at all. Most unlike her! I was so worried I went back later that night to find she had eaten some of her feed but still seemed depressed. I was wondering what was wrong and thinking it might be colic as horses seem to be prone to it or it was a virus of some kind.

Wednesday morning she had eaten all her breakfast and half her usual amount of haylage. Whatever was ailing her was passing and she was on the mend and I left her early in the afternoon to go to watch the dressage at the Horse of the Year show at Olympia.

We went 'off piste'. Breeze loves this and gets very curious.

So. Short warm up after saddling up without anything much beforehand except to ask her to put her nose on the saddle and have a bit of carrot. She stayed put and relaxed. Amazing. We left the yard the back way again, I peddled my feet and brought my life up so that she had no option but to follow my focus and we were soon in the woods with Sandra and Bert.
Breeze was very calm and I was back using my white Parelli reins. It felt like meeting up with an old friend and I was totally relaxed and happy. We only did the old woods and weaved and zig zagged around the trees giving her plenty to do. We got yo yo over a fallen branch for the first time which was brilliant. With all the circling etc we got behind Sandra and Bert so we had an opportunity to do some trotting. I have been getting worried about trotting because I have been too tense but this helped me relax and enjoy it. Another example of if I don't do things I begin to think I can't do them lol.

We went as far as the bottom of the straight with Sandra and Bert then turned for home. Breeze remained calm and we did a lot of walk/trot transitions. That way she gets to look out for trouble when walking and doesn't get RB and fast when trotting. She wasn't at all bothered by it being just us and this hasn't happened for a while now. She was quite happy to stop whenever I asked her to (so I could take photos) and chill. You know what's really nice though? I really appreciate riding Breeze because all I have to do is think about walk/trot/whatever and she does it. No argument, no phases, just a thought and she is there. Wonderful.

At the exit I asked her to carry on. We had a bit of a disagreement but I persisted and without too much unpartner like attitude we made it to the grass where I let her eat then, when she wanted to, turn and go home.

Back on the yard she wanted to explore everywhere and seemed in no hurry for me to get off. Breeze went ad stood by the old shed so I got off there and led her to the new one around the corner, unsaddled there and gave her some carrots.

This evening she was stuffing her face as is normal. She called to me when I arrived and again when I brought her feed. Nice. All is well in our world again.

Sunday, 12 December 2010

Sunday success.

Tried out the old green halter I used on Lizzie and some black reins I made a while ago. Not a great success. Halter too small and reins limp and slippery. Oh well. It was worth a try. It's a shame because I think B looks great in green.

B is obsessed with bins and their contents! Sometimes I find this quite challenging when others leave mouldy food in them and B won't leave it alone!

Breeze loves the pedestals again. She happily gets up on them at every opportunity at liberty but then there is usually a treat if she does lol.

Enough of the cute photos. We rode today on our usual Sunday. Warming up in the arena was brilliant. I have certainly set us up for success all week. B was attentive and listening and very light so we didn't stay long. Just as well because I had got to the yard the latest I have ever been and Sandra was saddled and ready to go!

Saddling up was lovely and perhaps I should tick off saddling at liberty and your horse doesn't walk off in my tasks on Parelli Connect now. Woohoo! Getting on was lovely too and surprisingly leaving the yard was almost ok too! Breeze couldn't follow Bertie to the gate and after a bit of snottiness and some lateral flexion we met at the gate after going behind the 'pony block'.

I can't say we had a totally relaxed ride.The black reins felt really awful. Floppy and slippery. How quickly we get used to things we use and rely on them. I will be going back to my Parelli reins next time. We turned down the mile and 1/4 where B kept stopping to eat grass which I didn't mind but she alternated that with spooking at golfers. I was very pleased to see all through the ride that no matter what B did I automatically deepened my seat, either reached down to one rein to stop her or when we were chased by a dog, grabbed the front of my saddle! No matter what my little flower does I manage to balance myself and stay focussed. This is a major breakthrough for me which has been a long time coming. For years I have battled with my fears about the one and only fall I had which was nearly fatal. I sometimes think I mention it too much and for that I appologise. But it has been a big part of my horse life and having a new younger more RB horse was a big issue and I wondered if I was savvy enough not to fall off again! Obviously I am and long may it continue.

The ride started off ok but when a dog chased us I lost a bit of confidence, realised I was tense and holding my breath which doesn't help B much. By the time we got to the Viaduct there was room for B and I to play with zig zag and give her something to do rather than walk along in a straight line looking for scary stuff int he bushes. We did do some trotting along the first half of the ride and B was pretty balanced but did get too choppy and fast. Nice to have Bertie in front to slow her down just in case.

We led some of the way but B did try to bite Bert's butt when B hid behind him. I wonder if the high fencing along the mile and 1/4 is too much of a squeeze game sometimes. I have to keep praising and stroking her and asking for half halts but she does eventually stop and leave a decent gap.

We did some lovely weaving around the trees near to home. My hands were quite cold by then so it was great to be relaxed enough to stuff them in my pockets and ride without the reins. By the exit a boy and his younger brother, playing in the pub adventure playground, called to us to stop. I love to oblige people that want to be near horses. Breeze seems to like children and licked the little boy held in his brothers arms. I told then B thinks kids taste nice which made them laugh. Photos were taken and we wandered off. Breeze stopped in the exit, turned her head asking for a treat. She did this a few times today when I was particularly happy with our progress lol.

Back on the yard we mooched around again. Breeze seemed really happy to do this. We investigated the big blue bins and I put treats on them. We did some lovely back up too. That's getting really relaxed. When I got off B wanted to follow me everywhere at liberty so we walked to the container and I took her saddle off there. She put herself away in her stable, I think it was a little chilly for her liking to be out in the courtyard. I got on with my chores and she ate hay.

This evening she was happy to be with me which made leaving her difficult. Although I am not allowed to touch her while she eats her feed lol. I asked her to come to the muck heap again but left her ground tied. While I was throwing muck up she tried to sneak off which made me laugh. I swear she tries to tip toe away. My legs are aching a little. I am obviously not used to trotting very much as yet.

Saturday, 11 December 2010

Saturday play and lots to think about.

Breeze and I played in the arena this morning on the 45' line. It's been quite a while since we did this and it was great fun. It seems the lighter I am the lighter she is. Who knew lol.

It didn't seem like we spent a long time there. I was short on time but aware that she would be in her stable all day and needed to stretch her legs. Actually B doesn't seem to mind if she is in her stable all day or out in the field. I really enjoyed starting off at around 22' and letting the line out so the belly of it laid on the floor as she circled. I still wrestle with the 45'. It's still stiff and coiling it isn't easy. It felt that I was being watched by Pat and was acutely aware of my fumbling lol. But it was an improvement on previous play with it so I am pleased all the same.
So, circle game is improving amazingly again and fig 8 on the 45' was nice. It made a big difference to be that much farther away. It gives me a different view if nothing else. Mostly because of how the 45' feels my attitude is different, it has to be softer and that has to be a good thing. I love it.

Later on, after work, I intended to only take B to stretch her legs again. I groomed her first because I didn't manage to get all the mud off her the night before. We played with porky to get her head lower so I could reach her mane and not have aching arms. She doesn't like it much and makes faces at Strawberry and Star across the aisle while they in turn bite the bars of their stable (Strawberry) or squeal like a piggy (Star).
Our session in the arena turned into a lot of fun. There were foxes off in the distance which scared B somewhat. This made her unconfident on the circle on the farthest corner and she would turn in and come to me for safety. I acknowledged this by letting her rest and stroked her briefly but found she wasn't RB terrified so sent her out again being particular about doing as I ask and maintaining gait. We played with trotting until she could trot without going RB in both directions. Interestingly clockwise was better to begin with but both ways ended up good.

Breeze got more exuberant as we played and we, (or should I say I because I am sure B like other horses doesn't laugh) had a giggle weaving around various obstacles at trot. She trotted while I managed to keep up lol. We had some lovely jump, turn and face. When she doesn't manage it and knocks the pole down I never tell her off and rewarding the try anyway blows her mind lol. I did think if I had had the presence of mind to close the gate on the way in we might have managed some connected liberty play. Perhaps we are getting near it now and one day I will remember to shut the gate 'just in case'.

We had some falling leaf in trot and lovely back up over a pole from 22' in z3 parallel to me. Seems I have taken things up a notch seamlessly somehow. Another example of 'upping the anti' all of a sudden without realising it. I was particular again about circle game and separating back up, send and allow to clarify it in B's mind. She sometimes tries to keep on backing up and then brace which then means she will make an assumption about which direction I want her to go in. So nice to hardly lift the c/s at all but instead ask just with a gesture. How can I explain this? Having watched Pat and Linda and lots of other pp's on video and in real time do this to perfection, it actually felt today like I had got it right, judging by the feedback from B. She really is a great teacher.
We did some driving game from z5 which magically turned from back up into sideways towards me without a fence! I thought I was imagining it after the first one, then I asked again and got it. Marvelous! That was the best time to end the session, grinning.

When we left the arena B seemed reluctant to let me go when I put her in her stable. She watched me and didn't touch her hay as I ferried the last bits of my belongings from the shed to the container....we are moving sheds! All of us from our small but loved old stable to a big container around the corner. I asked B to come with me earlier in the day to see the container which she seems to like. I also asked her along to empty her poop onto the muck heap this evening. I figure if I have to do chores she may as well get the exercise too lol. Plus I get to play porky with a purpose!

The cut on B's leg has a nice scab on it now but I noticed she must have knocked it this evening and it had bled slightly. I wish it would heal completely and quickly!!

Tuesday, 7 December 2010

Lesson with Claire.

I am in Parelli heaven right now! It was freezing today, -2.5 but sunny and the ground wasn't too frozen in the woods. The arena sand was frozen solid so I had a quick 'reccy' in the woods before Claire got to the yard and it seemed fine.

I am glowing inside with pride because of the compliments and feedback I got from Claire. She thinks B and I have made an enormous amount of progress and the difference in B is very noticeable. Her walk is long, low and relaxed. She just feels different.

There were a couple of cars parked in the woods but they soon left once we started walking about. The park rangers turned up at one point and I did think we might get moved on but they took no notice of us whatsoever. Excellent.

It never ceases to amaze me how much we can learn in just an hour and a half and it goes by in a flash. More focus on being particular which works very well with Breeze. I have learned how to move B's front end from z5. Was having a lot of trouble knowing how to do that! BFO moment indeed! She is quite unconfident from there and claustrophobic too.

Todays lesson has opened up lots of new things for us to do. It will build B's confidence even more I think. What a blessing the woods are for us. All that space to play in. My featherlight lines came yesterday and I think it wont be long before we are using them.