Saturday, 12 February 2011

A quick one.

Sarah, the barefoot trimmer came today. Breeze got her usual score of 6.5 and I found out Sarah never gives higher than an 8 which means B's feet are pretty damn good lol.

I seemed to be on a go slow today and it was pretty late when I decided we might go for a walk in the woods and ride home. The arena was pretty busy with lots of people riding so I didn't think going on there would be setting us up for success.

Breeze had a few thresholds leaving the yard and for the first part of our walk. I really didn't have much time either but made a conscious effort not to be direct line about it. I realised it would take too long to go to our usual place so turned back early and tried the log trailer. The logs were too slippery and I kind of resigned myself to maybe not riding util we came upon a little loop where a jump was set up. The logs were just the right height and steady enough for me to get on. B stood still while I got settled and we made our way back home. She wasn't very relaxed but I soothed her and we managed to go past the exit to the grass but B wasn't interested in eating. We turned and went to stand in the exit until she was calm and to let another rider go past, then we left.

This evening we had the arena to ourselves. B goes intro quite often at the moment but not deeply and I am finding new ways to check in with her and coax her out of it lol. In this session we got some lovely circle game and five laps in trot! B does get unconfident and stop but I have learned to use the c/s quietly and effectively and ask her to carry on without her blowing up.

I included the blurry photo above because it makes me laugh. One of the ways I coax her out of being intro is to crouch down and totally relax. But tonight before I got to relax and take a photo she walked over to me with a questioning look. Funny and sweet.

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