Saturday 14 August 2010

Playing in the woods

Breeze and I ignored the rain and went for a short play in the woods this morning before I went to work. Here is yo yo backwards . . .

. . . and forwards . . .

. . . and sideways.

We even trotted together with my arm resting on her back, usually she doesn't like me being in zone 3 and that close lol.

Lately B has become a bit dominant in her stable. I am putting it down to hormones because the other day she bared her teeth with her ears back when I went to scratch her back legs. She has always been funny about me going near them anyway and is very resistant to having her back feet picked out in the stable so we do that outside now. But it did scare me for a second. It brought up worries from when Lizzie first showed signs of damaged stifles. I really had to push those emotions to the back of my mind quickly and not project them onto Breeze.

I asked for some circle game by the wood yard and she gave me some lovely calm walk and C.O.D before another horse and rider showed up and she went into pull on the rope mode. I had asked her forward to move out of their way and it was just too much pressure, I guess. I will have to work on that. I am so conditioned into wanting to out be out of other people's way, lol. I can almost feel my own thoughts whizzing around as I think 'quick, move B out of the way, quick!' it must feel like a lot of sudden pressure to Breeze. Especially if the other horse is anxious and pacing, reined in by their riders as they often are.

It was a different horse that came out of her stable in the evening. We had a graze around the yard and B was quite jumpy, listening to every sound and once almost running into me. I was ready to block her even though she was behind me. I felt her in my space without even having to look! We played a lot of go and eat here and here and here and she soon calmed.

She inspected the empty space where recently the muck heap monster had grown to unmanageable proportions. The smell must be very overpowering for her lol. Then it was back to her stable where I skipped out and remembered to untie her from outside before putting in the refilled hay net! Not making that mistake ever again. Phew!

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