Thursday 19 August 2010

Another solo ride.

We had the easiest saddling up today and B seemed very quiet and happy. We did a little more practice of NOT pulling back on the rope. B is getting much less resistant now and spends a lot less time with her head up, rolling her eyes at me. Our 'Mexican stand off' is getting shorter and shorter too. Cool.

Today I focused on her thresholds as we went for a walk in the woods, noticing where they were and giving her the time it takes to move on. She went quite introverted a couple of times until we got near the top of the old woods. I let her rest longer both times and she didn't want to be stroked so I just waited. We were passed by someone I know from Liz' old yard who always says she thinks I am crazy to ride a horse in a rope halter, as her horse jigs and cannot stand still while she hangs on for dear life. I tell her she is the crazy one and we laugh and go our separate ways.

Here's a photo of B going introverted by the side of a tree. She doesn't stay like it for long or go really inside herself anymore. After that we didn't find too many thresholds.

When we got to the logs at the top of the old woods she seemed relaxed enough to ride and we did some more pre-flight checks and I noticed the girth did up one hole tighter than usual. While I stood on the log and asked B to line up she needed to move a bit. She went round me a few times stepping over the log again and again which made me laugh. She was less eager to move today when I got on, I am surprised at how LB she is when we ride. I notice it more and more and am grateful that she doesn't need to move fast all the time.

Breeze didn't want to go down into the old woods but she did want to go down the straight which was fine with me. We sauntered along and I pedaled my feet and moved my arms in time with her too. It helps me relax and helps her keep her momentum going. I really enjoyed her company. I am so pleased we can ride alone, just the two of us. She didn't want to go as far as the Viaduct either so we turned to go up the old woods.

Along the way we saw a cat. B spooked, jumped in the air and spread her front legs, head down and snorting. It was quite funny really. I always laugh when she finds things scary, it helps me stay calm and means I can concentrate on helping her by stroking her neck/withers and talking to her. We did this most of the way along until she had calmed down and relaxed then I asked her to trot. She couldn't maintain gait so we did a lot of transitions lol.

Then it was weave around the trees and fig 8's and we stopped by the wood yard. I picked some blackberries and fed them to her which was fun but we both got in a bit of a mess. Then around to the 'parking place' where we got sideways for the first time! Both ways! I haven't done this before while riding and I was very pleased although it takes a bit of getting used to. Can't wait to get used to it!

Again B found a threshold at the same place she was really frightened the other day but it's not as extreme now. I stroked her and talked to her. She really likes it when I tell her what a clever/good/beautiful girl she is. It doesn't matter what I say really, she just likes the sound of my voice and the feel of my hands I guess. She relaxed and we carried on to the exit and home.

This evening she was waiting at the gate to come in. I have to smile to myself when I can ask her to squeeze through the small gap I make with the gate so none of the other horses waiting can get through. Safe for all of us. Breeze let me brush her all over too and pick out all four feet in her stable. Funny how as soon as I mention how things are, they change.

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