Sunday 15 August 2010


Bertie has been checked over by the vet and put on 'bute' for a week or so. Sandra cut out some carpet tile and lined his boots. He seems a lot more comfortable and more himself. So Sandra took him for a walk and I saddled B and went along too.
It took B a long time to relax. At one point right by the tree stump she got very scared by something. I haven't seen her this frightened before so we spent lots of time playing approach and retreat until she was calm enough to walk past whatever was in the vicinity that was scaring her.
After that B needed to move her feet and she gave me some amazing side ways in trot, without a fence too and . . . fanfare here please . . . tadaaaaaaaa!! Sideways towards me!!!! I thought it was a fluke first time but she did it a second time too lol. Then she dropped her head and stood blinking for a while but not as introverted as she has been sometimes. I gave her lots of time and stroked her head then it was heads up and go and eat. Cool!
Bertie was being an unmotivated LBI and really testing Sandra. So I reminded her about phases and that she would know if Bertie was listening when he gave her both eyes. We had a discussion about it as we walked along around the old woods and it was lovely to see her smile and notice Bert giving her all his attention from then on.

Breeze had relaxed and blown out a few times and looked rideable so as we reached a huge fallen log near the top of the old woods I hopped on and rode B the rest of the way home. We had a lot to do today. Other groups of riders which B wanted to follow. Slowing down by circling to wait for Bertie and Sandra. A lot of weaving and circling. What a joy to feel so connected with my lovely horse and do all the stuff politely. Again she was listening, I stayed calm and we were perfect partners. I felt totally empowered! I have not had a lot of practice riding freestyle and never progressed as far as I wanted with Lizzie. We did the basics, Lizzie and I and had a wonderful time. I guess I am saying I want more and happily Breeze is responding really well and we are both progressing fast.
She was frightened again in the same spot on the way home so she let Bert lead as I stroked and soothed her.

Bolstered by our fabulous ride, back on the yard we went into the school and I did a tiny bit of ppl and then we did . . . . . NOTHING!!! Hahahahahaha! Lots and lots of nothing! Breeze was totally relaxed and I gave her treats and chatted to Sandra until I felt it was enough and we left. Back to the courtyard where I got off and groomed her as she followed me around with a really soft look in her eyes. Brilliant.

P.s. Breeze likes blackberries. We found some huge ripe ones on our walk and I hand fed her some. The berries coloured her tongue bright red lol.
I took Sandra and a barrel to a quiet spot on the yard and had her hit the barrel with the C/S, great fun. I think she fully understands phases now.


  1. Sounds like a very successful day all round. What did the vet say about Berties feet

  2. Hi V,
    The vet said Bertie was in pain and that he didn't have much sole left after shedding it. I don't think people understand how thin soles are esp after a few years of having shoes on but it's not for me to make sweeping generalisations about what other people might think!
    Sandra is very down and worried that Bert will have no feet left as they are continuing to chip all along the hoof and particularly the toe area. She is now thinking she will get the farrier to trim him in future(someone has put doubt in her mind about the trimmers abilities and is taking their horse barefoot using him) and I think she will put shoes back on him as soon as its possible. Sigh. x
