Sunday, 25 July 2010

That's better.

We had a lovely ride in the old woods today. I was a little apprehensive probably because of the last time I went to ride in the school. But as soon as I got ready I forgot all about being nervous. I didn't play with Breeze much first, just some pre-flight checks which were really nice. I was much more relaxed and left the reins on B's withers until I needed to ask her to change direction. B seemed happier too and we went 'off piste' alone for the first time. Breeze didn't get too worried and I grinned a lot.

Bertie has got used to his boots very quickly and we did some trotting today with B in the lead. Her weaving and circling trees is wonderful now and she seems to enjoy it. She was very cuddly afterwards. She followed me 'at liberty' around the courtyard while I did some chores. I spent some time scratching and rubbing her and brushing her mane and tail.

This evening we played in the school. I focused on asking for circle very gently but Breeze blew up when I asked for cod. Today some very fast sideways and a long time to rest, changed her attitude and we had some lovely calm circle in walk and cod. She still got bracy once or twice when I asked her to c.o.d. so we spent a bit of time playing yield your hindquarters in between getting the circle nicely. I did stand at one point and out loud asked Breeze just what the problem was lol.
Breeze didn't want to do any fig 8. We did get clockwise to the right around a cone but the opposite was impossible. She would much rather show me how well she can side pass over them! Sometimes I wish she didn't like side passing everything. Perhaps I need to use barrels or jump sides in future.

I bleached B's hooves again. The thrush seems to have gone already but I want to make sure even though I hate doing it. Breeze isn't very obliging when I do this, perhaps I am too direct line about it but I don't want to splash diluted bleach on either myself or Breeze!

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