Sunday, 11 April 2010

Springy Sunday!

I sat with Bertie lying down in his stable for a while this morning and took him grazing before Sandra arrived at the yard. I always feel so honoured that he stays lying down when I go to see him. I never had that with Lizzie. Bertie is very affectionate and its lovely to lie next to him in the stable (if I can find a clean bit!).

The three of us walked together into the woods. Sandra and I have agreed that for the time being I play with Bertie going out and she swaps and plays on the way back. Today Sandra sat on him bareback while I led/drove him. She tried some pushing passenger too.
Bertie has really got the idea of jumping over logs without exploding and Sandra is learning to trust him to know where to put his feet. Today she was great at bringing her life up and Bertie jumped the log trailer for her! Great fun!

I can ask for sideways without a c/s now, in fact I am relying on it less and less, which is cool. Breeze isn't very keen on the c/s so being light and subtle with just my body language and rope line will be great for when she arrives.

Bertie has become more and more chilled out in the woods. It no longer matters what others do, he takes no notice. I had a few people pass us from the old riding school and ask when my new horse is coming. One horse and rider almost careered into him as they jigged past but he stood still and ignored then lol. Sandra says her lessons and just riding in general have become much happier for both of them and far more enjoyable. I love that!