Sunday, 13 June 2010

Saturday chillin' and Sunday ride.

I work nearly every Saturday now so don't have a lot of time to do much with B. So I gave us the day off and just slowed right down, especially as B has been quite RB this week. After mucking out I just let B hang around outside her stable and I lay on the pedestal in the sunshine. She stood near me and dozed for some of the time.

We had some grooming time, I scratched and stroked her and she sniffed me all over while I lay down. Perhaps she was interested in a different me. She has never seen me lying down, after all lol!

B was very cuddly and groomed Sandra when she sat on the pedestal. So nice to see B back in a happy mood. I will never know why she was 'off' and may be again at some point. How interesting.
We had a play in the arena in the eve after work. Actually got 10+ laps in both directions in trot on circle game for first time AND one lap of canter before B went RB and sped off wildly. I have been working on asking her with very little pressure and then focusing on bringing her life down when she goes 'off ' lol. It's working nicely and B is changing slowly.

Sunday is now designated horse day and nothing interferes with as much time as I want to spend, with B. I decided to ride with Sandra even though my unconfidence level had soared at the mere thought of it lol, and even though I had a short but pleasant ride alone on wednesday. I did a few pre flight checks and saddled B up without much play beforehand. She accepted the saddle today but not the girth. I love how she moves the goal posts every day. I did a lot of approach and retreat and soon we were off to play in the woods.

How interesting to see Sandra playing with Bertie and motivating him and dealing with his LBI snotty attitude and all I have to do is walk with B and help her be calm with a little sideways and yo yo. This day getting on seemed a monumental task for me. All of a sudden B seemed a lot taller lol. But I got on tho not gracefully and she couldn't stand still for me to sort my ropes out. No problem I just let her walk as she seemed to need to move her feet.

Neither horse seemed very relaxed but B didn't hesitate once when I asked her to go down the straight and we carried on all the way around the woods. Today she was looking where to put her feet. Excellent! She also moved over when I asked her to when she was too close to the river or the fence. Lovely. I managed to leave the reins alone mostly which I am sure helps us both to relax although B was bothered a lot by flies. I am still focusing on moving with her and being on her back is starting to feel familiar.

At one point Bertie wanted to have a snack by the golf course but B just could not keep her feet still. Sandra, bless her, noticed as I asked B to turn back from facing the way we had come and said 'does B need to keep moving'. This time I was calm, said yes and we set off again before B became too tense. Cool.

Breeze stayed pretty calm all the way home despite the flies attacking her and Sandra left us at the exit to go around again as part of Bertie's weight loss plan ( he has got a bit porky and they are using a grazing mask ).

Hosing the mud off B's feet is getting easier now she is learning to stand still lol. She's a real sweetie.


  1. If she wants to keep moving you could do Fig 8's or circles while Bertie snacks - just an idea...

  2. If only there was enough room V. That part of the bridle path is so narrow that you can't turn round on a horse!

  3. So it's a tough squeeze game for her then huh :-)

  4. Oh yes. Tight squeeze game and not graceful, but possible lol.
