Sunday, 27 June 2010


It was to be the hottest day of the year today and if I thought the school was hot yesterday it was positively Saharan today!!! We went in for about 10 minutes because I just wanted to see which horse had turned up. Breeze offered me sideways immediately and when I asked for travelling circle she got bracey so instead we did some yo yo and I let her rest. She lowered her head to the ground and I stood next to her and stroked her head as she blinked slowly and we hung out for ages. Then we moved to the only bit of shade and again we did nothing. Breeze loved it! So we headed to the exit via the cones where she sidepassed the first, weaved the next two and sidepassed the last. Then we played stick to me in a very circuitous route and left!

In the courtyard , when I got the saddle out and put it on my steps, B immediately wanted to sniff and lick it. Good move! I put a few treats on it and went and got my hackamore and helmet from the shed. When I went back to B I saw a big bite mark in the seat of the saddle lol. B must have tried to pick it up in her teeth. Luckily I am not concerned about her damaging it. I would rather have a few teeth marks on the saddle and a happy horse!

Saddling up was the most wonderful yet, easy and fast and I gave B treats as we did it and checked out lateral flexion etc. She stood really still while I got on and didn't move off until I asked her. She got a little right brained as we left the courtyard so I one rein stopped her and sat and scratched her neck and withers while she made her 'I am loving this camel face' and waited for Sandra and Bertie. There were times in the past when I was so scared I couldn't do this even on Lizzie. I would just freeze in fear, then want to get off.

We also went out with young Jack on 'bay Bertie' who went off in front as he couldn't walk slowly and our horses wanted to eat and start off slow. I also wondered if Bertie and Breeze are now used to and like each others company on our rides.

It was another lovely ride. B was tripping a bit to begin with and I reckon she was dodging stones as her feet are the same as yesterday. We took it in turns to lead and B actually stopped and waited for grey Bertie to catch us up. We trotted again in the old woods and that was fab. So lovely to have a willing horse! I know I say this a lot but I am so amazed by Breeze. She instills confidence in me. I trust her, even though in comparison to Lizzie she is so much more sensitive. I have seen B at her most RB online and wondered if I could ride a horse like that. But we do the prep and she is always what I consider to be rideable before I get on and we have had nothing but success so far. All last week the nugget of negativity wore away at my confidence but with prior and proper preparation I have had no trouble at all and this has been a wonderful weekend.

Back at the yard B walked into the courtyard and up on the pedestal straight away. It is starting to feel less scarey too as I get used to moving around on the back of an agile, fast moving Breeze. She was very cuddly and connected when I got off. We played a little stick to me at liberty when I took the saddle off and I hosed her back off with cool water to remove the sweat. I think B had a really good opinion of me today and we really are partners. Woohoo!


  1. Hi Cilla
    Great work... - the last couple of photos it looks like you could lower your stirrups a bit now... so your legs are more under your hips... if she is tripping check the farrier trimmed her toes enough and not her heels too much. Be very wary of farriers doing trims - Critey has got Ringbone due to a farrier takingoff too much heel and not enough toe!! Bronwyn is GUTTED

  2. Thanks Vicki, much appreciated. I have lowered the stirrups by 4 holes lately! Time for more maybe yes lol.
    I think the farrier took off too much heel. Really pee'd off I couldn't be there because I knew this might happen. Would have been ok if it had been the farrier not the apprentice. And of course they didn't do a 'Mustang roll'.
    I really need a hoof stand so I can rasp them myself!
    I bought the Pete Ramey book which explains it all very well with excellent photos.
    c x

  3. p.s. I might have to look at the shimming of my saddle too now that B has changed shape. I think she is building some nice muscle especially along her back so the saddle might be too low in front.
    c x

  4. Well done Cilla - you are making great progress. So glad you are feeling more confident!
