Tuesday, 29 June 2010


My Parelli friends Suzanne and Charlotte came to visit yesterday and after my play with B I let Suzy have a play. I felt a little nervous to begin with when I played with B. Watching Suzy I felt a little jealous and clumsy in comparison. I think that's natural tho' and it was absolutely wonderful to see someone else play with my Breeze. I felt proud of all the play with the 7 games we have put in over the last two months to bring B up to the level she is at now. We are now playing with L2/3 online!

Breeze loves to side pass things so much we had the brilliant idea to get Suzy to crouch down and I asked B to sidepass over her! It was wonderful, funny and great. So great we did it twice and video'd it!!! We were all in fits of giggles and B looked very pleased with herself. There will be photos later I promise.

Suzy did a lot of extreme friendly and started the beginnings of backwards by the tail. Lots of circle game and sideways at the trot! Marvelous. We agreed B is confident in the herd and with me but not in herself, which explains her unbalanced trot and canter perhaps. I suspect she has always been like this and now we are on the path to sorting it out.

And then the thing I was dreading...all the way to the yard I felt sick and RB about it, my stomach in knots and my negative thoughts trying to make me weasle out of it.....riding in the arena!!! Not just getting on and doing some ppl but allowing Suzy to play with B online while I just played passenger. I don't have photos yet but I am sure they will make me grin! It was incredible! To begin with I got on slowly and politely even remembering to rest in the saddle before putting my leg over B's back and asking for permission. B had such a lovely expression on her face, it was wonderful to see.

I really tried to stay relaxed and calm and 'go with the flow and flow with the go', 'flo with the go' being what it really was! There were times when I almost panicked, I asked to get off only once at my most RB moment and then suddenly the fear vanished just as I said it and I began to really enjoy the sensation of Breeze moving under me and me going with her no matter which direction it was in lol. I hung on to the front of my saddle trying to leave one hand free to move with B but at times I really felt I had to hang on with both and 'just survive the journey' to begin with! Even so, at no point did I think I wanted or needed to bale out and/or fall off! Such a good experience for me because I still carry an awful lot of bagage from the accident four years ago now.

We did circle game c.o.d. in walk but mostly in trot! I felt how unbalanced B is the same as when we ride in the woods and tried to help her relax and trust herself. There were distractions from the horses out in the field for the night but that didn't bother me at all. I know I have B's trust and we are partners despite her unconfidence.
Sideways was very very weird!! I have never really tried that before. Lizzie and I began that at a clinic last year but she had a lot of difficulty with it. Breeze quite likes sideways and offers it a lot. I did feel B get herself collected trotting on circle game and we had some balanced trot at which point we left it there and I got off.

Breeze was soft and cuddly and I stroked her head and face and left the rope on her withers. She walked next to me at liberty and we played stop and back up all the way to the gate and went back to her stable. Phew.

I never thought this would happen for me either so soon or that it could be such a success. I had no preconceptions about what might happen, I just went in there with an open mind ready to at least try. I have never really done any stuff in the arena. With Lizzie it was all I could do to get on and let her leave. We once got 3/4 of one clover leaf pattern before she decided that was enough and wanted to get the hell out of there. My dreams of riding Freestyle and eventually Finesse are now becoming a reality. I will have to work on myself for this by visualising B and I riding in the arena which is something quite alien for me to do. Usually I only visualise riding in the woods because that's what I know. I had no problem taking B out in a hackamore shortly after she came to me, never even thinking it might be a problem. Now I have to work on thinking the same way about the arena. All I keep thinking is ....... wow!

So thank you Suzy and Charlotte. I had a really great time and learned a lot and really enjoyed your company. But no. you cannot come back with a horsebox and steal Breeze!

Sunday, 27 June 2010


It was to be the hottest day of the year today and if I thought the school was hot yesterday it was positively Saharan today!!! We went in for about 10 minutes because I just wanted to see which horse had turned up. Breeze offered me sideways immediately and when I asked for travelling circle she got bracey so instead we did some yo yo and I let her rest. She lowered her head to the ground and I stood next to her and stroked her head as she blinked slowly and we hung out for ages. Then we moved to the only bit of shade and again we did nothing. Breeze loved it! So we headed to the exit via the cones where she sidepassed the first, weaved the next two and sidepassed the last. Then we played stick to me in a very circuitous route and left!

In the courtyard , when I got the saddle out and put it on my steps, B immediately wanted to sniff and lick it. Good move! I put a few treats on it and went and got my hackamore and helmet from the shed. When I went back to B I saw a big bite mark in the seat of the saddle lol. B must have tried to pick it up in her teeth. Luckily I am not concerned about her damaging it. I would rather have a few teeth marks on the saddle and a happy horse!

Saddling up was the most wonderful yet, easy and fast and I gave B treats as we did it and checked out lateral flexion etc. She stood really still while I got on and didn't move off until I asked her. She got a little right brained as we left the courtyard so I one rein stopped her and sat and scratched her neck and withers while she made her 'I am loving this camel face' and waited for Sandra and Bertie. There were times in the past when I was so scared I couldn't do this even on Lizzie. I would just freeze in fear, then want to get off.

We also went out with young Jack on 'bay Bertie' who went off in front as he couldn't walk slowly and our horses wanted to eat and start off slow. I also wondered if Bertie and Breeze are now used to and like each others company on our rides.

It was another lovely ride. B was tripping a bit to begin with and I reckon she was dodging stones as her feet are the same as yesterday. We took it in turns to lead and B actually stopped and waited for grey Bertie to catch us up. We trotted again in the old woods and that was fab. So lovely to have a willing horse! I know I say this a lot but I am so amazed by Breeze. She instills confidence in me. I trust her, even though in comparison to Lizzie she is so much more sensitive. I have seen B at her most RB online and wondered if I could ride a horse like that. But we do the prep and she is always what I consider to be rideable before I get on and we have had nothing but success so far. All last week the nugget of negativity wore away at my confidence but with prior and proper preparation I have had no trouble at all and this has been a wonderful weekend.

Back at the yard B walked into the courtyard and up on the pedestal straight away. It is starting to feel less scarey too as I get used to moving around on the back of an agile, fast moving Breeze. She was very cuddly and connected when I got off. We played a little stick to me at liberty when I took the saddle off and I hosed her back off with cool water to remove the sweat. I think B had a really good opinion of me today and we really are partners. Woohoo!

Saturday, 26 June 2010

Stunning Saturday.

The last of five baby swifts have finally left their nest in my shed. They have been having fun pooping on B's brand new rug but I have brushed it clean and the rain will do the rest of the job for me.

It's very hot here and going to be hotter! It makes playing in the school an ordeal for me and B tends to get sweaty too but we braved it today anyway. I took the c/s and bag, 22' and 45' lines. Today B was less RB and we managed cod on the circle game with just one small explosion. I tried out the 45' and can ask B to weave and sidepass cones at over 30' away. I am still quite messy with it but that will improve. Her jump and stand and face me was lovely too so we ended the play there with some stick to me in a roundabout way to the gate

I got my June savvy club dvd the other day and watched the whole of it. It was riveting despite being about a LBI horse. What a difference it made to saddling up and riding! I was a lot more assertive when saddling and bumped B when she walked off and backed her up briskly. Consequently with two tries of swinging the saddle it was on her back! Same with girthing up, she walked off a couple of times but I backed her up and when she stood still she got a carrot and we did the girth up in three stages with some yo yo and yield HQ in between.

Breeze stood very still for me to get on, gracefully, and while I did the rope up. Then she walked off into her stable. I managed to one rein stop her but when I let go she stomped into her stable with me ducking madly. She was happy to leave and again when we went round the corner she made for the aisle. I stopped her again and we played with some more of this stop, start until she could walk straight and we left the yard.

Breeze decided she would like to lead today as we set off down the mile and 1/4 for a change. She was a little sensitive on this stony part because she was trimmed Thursday and I am not too pleased with the farriers' juniors' job. Time I made the effort for the podiatrist to come and assess her. When she reached a threshold I asked Sandra if Bertie could lead for a while. This happened a couple of times but mostly we were in the lead and I really worked on my moving with B and she seemed very happy about that. We took a detour down one road out of the woods to weave along some fence posts and B was great at that!

We came accross a bunch of teenage hikers sitting on the ground picnicing by the viaduct which made Bertie spook because they made stupid hooting noises. Without a word I circled them one way and Sandra the other while they squirmed wondering what we would do. Sandra explained to them we were returning the favour. They spooked her horse so we were spooking them! It was all very good natured but I think they will have second thoughts next time.

Breeze set off in the lead again all the way around the old woods. At one point I felt her get tense and I thought perhaps she might need to move her feet and when she offered me trot I took that and we had the best smooth trot so far all the way along the uphill bit of the old woods. I kept relaxed and moved my upper body in time and pedalled my feet. We were both nicely balanced and enjoying ourselves. Later on we weaved around the trees and I noticed B had really got the idea of steering, she is light and responsive and very bendy for such a big horse.

She must have worked out where we were at the top and walked off with quite a purpose but I found very small half halts slowed her and helped her feel calmer. I even had chance to play with bending at my ribs to see if she would bend hers and I think it went well, lol.

Today B stopped a few times to eat and I did up my phases a few times to ask her to move on by just lifting the popper end of the rope and very gently slapping it around my shoulders. I never had to slap it more than twice so we all stayed happy about it. B is such a lovely natured horse. I am so proud and pleased with both of us. We don't argue or fight and she is such a quick learner she makes me feel clever too.

We spent the rest of the afternoon hanging out and I showed someone on the yard what I mean by Parelli basics and the 7 games. She seems keen to know about Parelli and I have offered to show her some safety basics tomorrow. I am fully aware that I must not walk in the wrong direction with this girl but I admit I was pleased to show her the 7 games with B, it tests my knowlege and I like the opportunity to be a good ambassador. Plus I get to play with a new horse!

P.s. I asked B for her first steps in backing up while riding today. We got a couple of steps three times. Cool!

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

It's official!!!

Breeze has accepted me at last! Tonight she let me scratch her neck, shoulders, along her back and her rump! She has never let me do this and it feels like a major breakthrough. I even asked her to turn around so I could do her other side and she thought that was a very good idea! I felt really honoured and blessed and was grinning like an idiot!

It might seem like a small thing to celebrate but it feels like she has given me her trust and love. I am sure this is a big thing for her as it is for me. From day one she has always given me the opinion that she didn't want to be touched, that she was too sensitive and she didn't trust me to touch her in a way she would like. Wow! Breakthrough!?

Sheesh its hot here!

It was boiling hot already when I got to the yard this morning so I thought we could have a short play in the school before I turned Breeze out for the day.

Breeze is becoming calmer on the circle game and we played with COD today without her blowing up by taking lots of time and slowly asking her and only using the c/s if I really had to. I found a new way to help her not go RB on weave too. I ask her to do her favourite thing and side pass over the last cone at each end! I have noticed whenever she either doesn't want to do something or is feeling unconfident she will either explode or offer sideways, particularly if she doesn't want to circle lol. I usually take what she offers and then try whatever it is she couldn't do.

Bringing my life up and asking her to do something energetic like canter or jump something also makes her explode so I try to ask her immediately to go sideways over something too. Today after almost exploding when I asked for COD, but calming down immediately and doing a lot of COD without more exploding, then almost before jumping a jump I asked her to side pass a pole she went introverted and put her head down. I let her rest and stroked her head while she blinked and waited for her to lick and chew and lift her head up. Then she was ready for something else. I make sure whatever we do, is successful. Sometimes she will be ready for a few different things, sometimes we can play more with one thing. Some days she will not go introverted again, like today. Other days she will keep going in and out so then it's time to end the session. I try to always leave the school on a positive note which can be just lots of friendly if she has been introverted or lots of treats if she did something new or just did what I asked. I always reward the try no matter how small and it gladdens my heart that I remember she is never wrong.

I suddenly realised today how far I have come. I remember in level 1 with Lizzie everything was stunted, awkward and because she was a LBI, hard work. As we progressed the games became more fluid but Lizzie just couldn't physically do it. Now with Breeze, I have a horse that is more than able and our 7 games flow into each other in no particular order. Real play with a capital P and I no longer wonder what to do next. It's as if suddenly I have all those arrows readily available in the quiver to hand.

It used to be such hard work for me to think of things to do. Now my thoughts flow like a river 'what about this, why don't we play this? Breeze offers sideways so we go sideways, then change direction and then we have falling leaf etc etc. Half an hour, an hour goes by without me noticing or caring. All my worries and problems are forgotten. The rest of the world doesn't exist. People and horses have come and gone from the school and although I am aware of them spatially it doesn't really register lol. Jan once came and sat on a jump side in the middle of the school to watch us and I didn't realise for quite a while! Bliss.

Monday, 21 June 2010

Happy Summer Solstice!

This morning we did our usual fly repellant dance where Breeze walks around me, flicking her tail at me as I attempt to put repellant on the bits I think the flies will go for. She doesn't mind her head being done but nowhere else lol. Then it was mosey to the field where I took her halter off expecting her to leave. She did leave only to come back and hang out with me for a while. So I scratched her back legs and enjoyed her company. I thought she might be waiting for Star and Strawberry but when they were let into the runway she left.

This evening I had the long walk to the 'M25 field' which actually is very pleasant and not that far, especially on the longest day of the year. There was my 'bay bombshell' hanging out to one side of the herd pretending she hadn't seen me. So I went and said hello to some other horses which usually gets her attention pretty quickly. Halter on, bit of carrot and a walk back together.

We had a pretty good grooming session but then Breeze was occupied with her favourite pastime...eating haylage!

Sunday, 20 June 2010

Sunday - out donkey the donkey day!

What an interesting day! All week I have had niggling doubts as to why I even have a horse lol. I have no idea why either. After all Parelli is about way more than riding and my relationship with B has got stronger and stronger this week. We haven't 'done a lot' - whatever that means!!! I guess I am still a little driven when it comes to making sure I do enough to keep B interested. As the weekend loomed and I knew I would have the time to actually ride the nerves appeared and the nasty voices in my head became harder to ignore.

So, we went for a play in the school to see which horse had turned up this morning. I think I have been shouting with my c/s which is what makes B explode on the circle game sometimes. So I made a real effort to hardly lift it at all just as if I had a bell on it. She stayed calm for most of the time on the circle but she still gets bracey on COD if I ask her to go clockwise. I slowed it right down and exaggerated each part, letting her drift backwards and playing yo yo until I could send her clockwise from zone 3 quietly. We had some marvelous sideways along a pole both ways. She seemed to enjoy jumping too and has understood the idea of jump, stop, turn and face me.

Happy that B was happy, we left the school to go get saddled up. All I can say is B really tested me today!!! I started off playing friendly game with the end of the 22' line and she stayed still. Every time I lifted the saddle anywhere near her back off she walked or backed up. So I backed her up or asked her to walk faster and further away. We played put your nose on the saddle and then tried again. B backed up every time I lifted the saddle so I asked her to back up as fast and far as she could go. I was just reaching the point where the nasty voices were telling me to give up, that we wouldn't be riding today but that this was good practice for next time when all of a sudden as she stood still next to me. I lifted the saddle, she didn't move so I gently placed the saddle on her back and gave her some treats.

Getting on was a breeze (sorry) and she stood perfectly still until asked to move. Out of the courtyard she suddenly walked really fast and tried to go into the stable block! One rein stop on the right really works! Wow, great brakes!

Sandra, Bertie, Breeze and I set off across the road and all went very well lol. My fear had disappeared the minute I was up in the saddle and I remembered why I love having anything to do with horses, particularly Breeze.
We took it in turns to go in the lead and played weave around the trees until the turn from the old woods to the viaduct where B decided she didn't want to go anywhere but home up the straight. This time I didn't get panicky. I just sat and waited. Another horse came past. B didn't budge. Sandra turned Bertie and came and stood near us. Breeze turned her head, looked at me and asked for a carrot! That didn't work either lol. Then B decided she would turn uphill and as she did I turned her some more and she found herself facing where she started from. It felt very strange turning on such a steep hill but before I had time to process it we were off following Sandra and Bertie along the viaduct. I had out donkey'd the donkey!! Exactly the same place Lizzie used to stop too, only she had been much more bad tempered about it than Breeze.

The rest of the way round was lovely. We did a couple of bits of trotting but I was very out of sync with B to begin with. I think I was leaning too far forward and Breeze has a very big trot lol. I got better and I am sure when we do more I will improve. She ate at every opportunity which was lovely. It gave me the chance to mirror her and do some ppl. She felt much more relaxed and balanced than she has before and her head was low most of the time as she looked where to put her feet.

Back at the yard I begged Sandra to take some photos of me on Breeze. I don't have enough photos of me actually riding and I think they will help me to stop the fear building in future. Breeze was lovely but it was hard for Sandra to take photos because Breeze kept following her lol. We played some ppl and mooched about the yard for a while. What a day. Just lovely.

Sunday, 13 June 2010

Saturday chillin' and Sunday ride.

I work nearly every Saturday now so don't have a lot of time to do much with B. So I gave us the day off and just slowed right down, especially as B has been quite RB this week. After mucking out I just let B hang around outside her stable and I lay on the pedestal in the sunshine. She stood near me and dozed for some of the time.

We had some grooming time, I scratched and stroked her and she sniffed me all over while I lay down. Perhaps she was interested in a different me. She has never seen me lying down, after all lol!

B was very cuddly and groomed Sandra when she sat on the pedestal. So nice to see B back in a happy mood. I will never know why she was 'off' and may be again at some point. How interesting.
We had a play in the arena in the eve after work. Actually got 10+ laps in both directions in trot on circle game for first time AND one lap of canter before B went RB and sped off wildly. I have been working on asking her with very little pressure and then focusing on bringing her life down when she goes 'off ' lol. It's working nicely and B is changing slowly.

Sunday is now designated horse day and nothing interferes with as much time as I want to spend, with B. I decided to ride with Sandra even though my unconfidence level had soared at the mere thought of it lol, and even though I had a short but pleasant ride alone on wednesday. I did a few pre flight checks and saddled B up without much play beforehand. She accepted the saddle today but not the girth. I love how she moves the goal posts every day. I did a lot of approach and retreat and soon we were off to play in the woods.

How interesting to see Sandra playing with Bertie and motivating him and dealing with his LBI snotty attitude and all I have to do is walk with B and help her be calm with a little sideways and yo yo. This day getting on seemed a monumental task for me. All of a sudden B seemed a lot taller lol. But I got on tho not gracefully and she couldn't stand still for me to sort my ropes out. No problem I just let her walk as she seemed to need to move her feet.

Neither horse seemed very relaxed but B didn't hesitate once when I asked her to go down the straight and we carried on all the way around the woods. Today she was looking where to put her feet. Excellent! She also moved over when I asked her to when she was too close to the river or the fence. Lovely. I managed to leave the reins alone mostly which I am sure helps us both to relax although B was bothered a lot by flies. I am still focusing on moving with her and being on her back is starting to feel familiar.

At one point Bertie wanted to have a snack by the golf course but B just could not keep her feet still. Sandra, bless her, noticed as I asked B to turn back from facing the way we had come and said 'does B need to keep moving'. This time I was calm, said yes and we set off again before B became too tense. Cool.

Breeze stayed pretty calm all the way home despite the flies attacking her and Sandra left us at the exit to go around again as part of Bertie's weight loss plan ( he has got a bit porky and they are using a grazing mask ).

Hosing the mud off B's feet is getting easier now she is learning to stand still lol. She's a real sweetie.

Friday, 11 June 2010

Breeze was still in an odd mood this morning so before turning her out I asked her to do some yo yo and sideways around the small courtyard as I put her new rug on and on the way to the field. She seemed to soften a little and it was good to see she wasn't stiff.
(When I saw this photo on my phone later it suddenly struck me how really beautiful B is! I look at the difference in her in just 6 weeks. She has gone from awkward, scrawny, frightened baby to self assured young mare. I am very lucky!)

This evening Sandra and I took the horses for a walk in the woods. We didn't do very much and let the horses just hang out, eat soil and old rotten wood.

Breeze was in a much better frame of mind and back to being her usual licky self. She likes to lick my hands for some reason lol. As we walked along I could see her relaxing bit by bit and she blew out a lot. Lovely to chill out in the cool, very green woods. Even better to have a happy Breeze again.

Don't make assumptions.

Sandra kindly brought B in for me last night. This was B when I arrived at the yard. Where's my dinner!? Want it now!

So I gave her her dinner and hung around while she ate it. When she had finished I continued with our game of 'get to like being groomed'. B is hyper sensitive in a few places . . . well I say a few when I mean most of her body! We have got to the point where I am learning where her itchy spots are and she is beginning to relax and enjoy it. I spotted what I thought was mud on her left hind leg above her hock and casually went to scrub it off. Only it wasn't mud was it, it was a bruise and she kicked out at me! Luckily I wasn't too close and she just caught my mouth. I jumped away and stood in shock feeling the lump on my top lip grow. How could I be so stupid and assume she might trust me enough by now.

It quite took the wind out of me and B seemed quite tense. I quickly gave her a check over noticing a cut on her chest and two hoof marks on her rump. Looks like there has been a bit of fighting in the playground! Might explain her bad mood. So it seemed the best thing was to finish up and go home.

I did feel a bit stupid. Careless. Note to self . . . do not be so complacent and assume Breeze is as safe to be around as Lizzie was.

Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Wednesday and back on track.

Since we rode with Sandra I seem to have lost my confidence a little. We have done a lot of UT and play in the school this week while I thought it all over. And Breeze has shown me another side to her horsenality and it has been quite challenging.

My little RBI has shown some very LBI traits which have been both interesting and amusing. Lately she has come up with some ways of avoiding going anti clockwise on circle game and insisting on only going clockwise. Fig 8 has been broken too but sideways is getting even better with B side passing over logs, cones, big jump sides, you name it she goes sideways over it lol. When I persist in circle game or fig 8 and ask her again she starts to drift away to my right and then gets snotty and explodes, pulling back on the rope. Turns out yo yo game was broken and we have been checking in on this often.

Last eve B came in from the field, she still continues to catch me and be eager to be haltered, looking very tired. After her tea she stood and dozed so I just sat with her and didn't ask anything of her.

This morning I had a think and wondered why my confidence had been knocked. All speculation and what if's on my part as usual. So I played with saddling with no plan in mind and lo and behold B was very happy to be saddled without any problem. With this in mind we set off for the woods. We did a lot of sideways and backing around trees and although B had started off RB and I kept thinking she wasn't ridable, by the time we got to outside the wood yard she gave me some very soft slow walking circle game with smooth COD. By the time we got to the old woods she was blowing out and her head was down.

She stood really still for me to get on and we set off home. I asked her to do lots of walk/trot transitions and I wondered why I had been worried about riding after all. At the exit it was clear she wasn't going to go past without an argument so I rewarded her stopping and standing still with carrot bits and we left the woods. It's funny how similar she is to Lizzie when this happens. I look at the set of her mouth from my position on her back and it just reminds me of Lizzie at her most LBI 'I don't want to do it, and you can't make me!'. Not exactly being my partner but I don't take it personally. We have the rest of our lives to get this right lol.

I have to say I am still a little tense when we first begin the ride but I remember Linda's ppl DVD and soon relax and move with B.

Breeze trotted with me at liberty down the runway when I took her halter off on the way to the field. Sweet. This eve she caught me in the field again and after eating her tea, promptly turned her back on me to concentrate on eating haylage. I know when I am not wanted!

Friday, 4 June 2010


Wednesday evening Sandra and I went for a walk with the horses and got on at the old woods. We played in the school first and Breeze was in quite a bracy mood. But I thought I had got her in a better mood and that all was ok.

Breeze was quite happy all the way to the old woods and I got on easily. We set off down the old woods with just a couple of hesitations. I have been watching more of my Parelli DVD's and going back over beginning to ride Parelli style. It was very interesting to note how much I took everything for granted with Lizzie and that B doesn't know as much as Lizzie did lol. So I have gone back to basics and B has responded very well to me doing some pushing passenger and really getting to move with her.

When we got to the turn to go down to the viaduct B just couldn't go. She tensed up and I knew there was a chance she might bolt if I tried to push her into going the way she didn't want to. I knew we weren't partners! I called to Sandra that we needed to go home and the minute I asked B to head for home she relaxed and took the lead. B even went past the exit happily and I ended it there and we went home. Sandra carried on but I found out later that Bert lost all his confidence and they came home not long after us.

I have had a couple of days to think things over. I think I have started to get too direct line this week and have got carried away with the excitement of things lately. So this evening I spent some time playing with saddling up very slowly and carefully until B was happy to have the saddle on without moving or pulling faces. I broke it all down using the saddle pad first. Every time B moved (usually backwards) I backed her up some more! It only took a couple of goes. Lovely. Then we went for a play in the woods with lots of sideways and treats. We had a very pleasant half hour together and I really got to grips with moving zone 1 which I realised hasn't been very good. What a great way to end the day.

Tuesday, 1 June 2010

B's feet.

Breeze has been barefoot for about 8 weeks now so I thought I had better take some photos lol. Yes, she does have four feet but I didn't take one of whichever hoof it was lol. Not very scientific or exact but I am not an expert anyway. I have rasped her hooves twice in the last month, just to even out any lumps and bumps and remove ragged bits. I never saw any nail marks when she came to me either. She seems to be coping very well out in the fields and woods and only shows a little hesitancy on the few really stony parts of the bridle paths.

Somewhere between Christmas and now I have lost two outdoor rugs that would have fitted Breeze. Heaven knows where they went! Today it rained almost all day and I sent B out naked lol. When I went to see her this eve she was safely tucked up in her stable, dry and warm. It seems to be accepted wisdom that because she is a thoroughbred she might be much more sensitive than Lizzie was and need to be kept warmer with more and thicker rugs. So far this seems to not be the case but we will see as winter sets in later on in the year.