Sunday 26 September 2010

Hmmm interesting.

B and I played in the arena again today. We got some very soft circle game in walk with the belly of the rope on the floor for the first time! I focused on asking very quietly again, hardly lifting the c/s. We got back up over a pole which she couldn't do yesterday. She went sideways too so I ignored it which seemed to blow her mind and send her introverted.

We spend a lot of time resting with B going intro, head hanging low, blinking, licking and chewing. She is certainly giving me all her attention in between these 'episodes'. Claire the PP has suggested we don't ride for the time being. I took that as not riding in the arena as I really think Breeze is happy to hack out. Having said that, I really didn't feel like riding today. Breeze just didn't seem in the right frame of mind. The weather was windy and raining on and off which really is a feeble excuse but I have to admit I feel a little anxious about riding all of a sudden.

As is usual for a weekend we spend some time grazing around the yard. I have noticed Breeze is much more relaxed about me touching her/leaning on her. I managed to rasp her feet today with little resistance and she has been offering to get on both pedestals repeatedly. Suddenly her yo yo game has improved and my draw is getting better.

I remember telling Claire yesterday that when I first played with Breeze I was so enthralled with having a willing horse that we did some fab circle game, sometimes managing 10 laps each way... it is this that perhaps pushed Breeze too far, perhaps. Oh well. We live and learn. I made no assumptions when she came to me so just took things as they came and observed more than anything. I am trying hard not to look upon this as a retrograde step and feel bad about it. This journey is never an easy or straight one. I am sure it's full of wrong turnings, roundabouts and by-passes! The road zig zags and some routes take longer than expected.

I have been so excited about my Parelli lesson that I forgot to blog about the vets visit on Friday. Breeze has ulcers in her mouth where her teeth have been a bit sharp and rubbed. The vet really wanted B to be sedated but I didn't. The vet got the job done anyway. I really think the vet likes an easy life and would rather have all the horses doped for teeth floating irrespective of their willingness to be treated. I think B did really well and didn't resist too much, unlike Bertie who was sedated and still reared up! Maybe in future I should make the effort and spend the extra money on an equine dentist.


  1. I was just gonna ask - don't you have Equine Dentists!!??
    Amanda (hee) is $80 so far cheaper than a vet and does a better job...

  2. I took the easy option i.e. the cheapest and used the vet because three others were sharing the call out fee. Stupid really because the Equine Dentist I got for Lizzie does Parelli!
    I will call him in 6 months time if I can find his number!
