Saturday 30 October 2010

Winter's on it's way.

It's daylight saving time tomorrow and the clocks go back an hour. This means I get an extra hour in bed but it will now get dark at 4.30 in the afternoon!
It feels like I haven't done much with Breeze this week. I have been very busy at work and not getting to the yard until late. So we have been hanging out together and I have been focusing on asking B to let me pick her feet out and place them back down for her. She lifts them and holds them up for me now. This morning she stood on the pedestal and I cleaned her feet out there lol. there has been some mud to wrestle with too and B is getting more relaxed about grooming.
We have had some very short play in the school over the week. She has offered a lot so I have ended the sessions the minute she did something good.
This morning we went into the school without the c/s and B kept switching off. She couldn't do anything but drop her head and stare into nothing. So we left and played with the two pedestals outside her stable. I mucked out and then we went back in with the c/s.
B was a different horse lol. No thresholds, no dropping of the head. We did have some brace but this time I made sure I didn't let her back up and not do as I asked. Her bracing is becoming much less of an issue and she comes towards me quite quickly and easily now. We got some lovely falling leaf in trot and then circle game, although I did have to tag the ground to get trot. She didn't blow up at all and then offered to jump over a jump and turn and face me. We played with this a few times. She was delightful and I couldn't help but laugh and enjoy the moment. So lovely to see B's enthusiasm and energy. I wonder if she is becoming more confident in herself.
This evening I got to the yard late again and thought because B had been in her stable all day she might like a walk. It was obvious she was hungry and wanted her dinner so I gave her that first. I rugged and haltered her and asked her out of her stable with the rope draped over her withers. She walked out and across the courtyard with me and waited by the shed while I topped up her hay net. We walked together back to her stable where she stopped by her hay net which I had hung outside and began to eat. So much for the walk lol. I left her untied and she just stood and munched while I mucked out and finished for the evening.

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