Friday 15 October 2010


The last couple of evenings I have been playing with B in the school in the dark and light rain. I don't get to the yard until well after dark now so we make the most of the time whatever the weather.

Last nights session was quite short and low key with a lot of dwell time and I did have doubts about what purpose it served to stand under the lights and do very little lol.

This evening things had changed and I noticed our draw is getting really good. B tried to brace against me but because we have been working on draw she never goes to that place at the moment. We had some really good back up over poles and yo yo to the end of the 22' line. As for circle game, I have been very careful to keep my energy down and we haven't had much circle at all. This evening Breeze would offer one lap and come in or a bit of a lap and come in. I would thank her and stroke her and send her out again. This progressed to just slowing down again but if I asked she would carry on ok. Then I asked with more energy and we got several laps in walk and trot! Slowly but surely we are making progress.

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