Tuesday 12 October 2010

Mile and 1/4 walk.

I have a rotten head cold and didn't feel like riding. But it was such a lovely sunny morning I thought a walk in the woods would be good for me and I wanted to spend some undemanding time with B. We had a graze by the arena first and I focussed on letting B decide where SHE wanted to go. We spent some time eating grass but she walked into the arena twice. Initially it was to go and stare at the herd in the field and I turned that into a slow walk around the arena with me picking blackberries and feeding them to B. I didn't ask anything of her, we just picked and ate blackberries. The second time we trotted side by side and had a bit of a silly play with some stick to me which was fun, dodging around each other and me giggling.

We headed off over the road and this time B didn't have any thresholds leaving the yard. Cool. We played eat here and here with some lovely lush grass and made our way to the first turn where there is a gateway from the road to the footpath. Every time Breeze and I have ridden down here she has really wanted to go and see this exit. Until now she hasn't been calm enough or confident enough to go there.

A man appeared when we got there eating a pear. I suggested he had better hide the pear because pear is B's favourite food. He smiled, asked if it was OK and gave it to her! Of course she ate it all in one go. He was a Polish worker from the football training ground that's being built just down the road. We had a brief chat about the area and he joked he should come back with a couple of kilos of pears lol. I warned him B would try and eat the lot in one go.

Today I asked her in to have a look. She wanted to go along the footpath but I didn't think it was a good idea. It's a little too narrow for a big horse like B to turn if she needed to.

We played yo yo in and out and we both went fully in to have a look. There is the busy road the other side and although B wanted to go and look I didn't think it was safe. Next she had a good look down the mile and 1/4 then we turned for home. We went past the exit with a little direction from the c/s but not a lot of resistance. Then it was back to the yard to spend the rest of the day out in the sunshine.


  1. Nice, I think you'll find if you do a bit more of this she'll gain confidence with you on her back, Garbo is kind of the same.

  2. That is what I was thinking. Quite challenging for me when everyone else goes out riding at the same time. Some I would have liked to have ridden with. No denying I love riding but I am determined to put our relationship first. We will get there.
    c x
