Sunday, 31 October 2010


I haven't used this waterproof sheet in ages. The last time was when Lizzie and I did a sponsored ride a couple of years ago. It certainly fits B better.

I admit I was a little anxious this morning when driving to the yard but I didn't let the negative thoughts get to me. There is no point thinking bad things will happen. I seem to have trained myself to turn the negatives into positives and I am getting very good at visualising a successful ride. And that's exactly what we had! In walk. All the way around the woods with only 2 spooks.

We started with saddling out of the rain in the walkway of the stable block. As soon as I showed B the saddle she sniffed it and licked it! Excellent. I had already played friendly game with the waterproof sheet and B stood still for me to put that saddle on her back and do the girth up. I used a shavings bag to put over the saddle and then we had a quick play in the school.

B was wonderful. She mirrored me perfectly and she didn't get tense about the other two riders there. Nice!

Today, instead of risking a fight leaving the yard I walked B over the road and got on in the pub car park. It took a few circles while I stood on a bench seat and B almost let me mount on her right side because that way she could look back over the road at her home lol. In the end I got on, on the left as usual and we set off into the woods.

Breeze was quite relaxed and spent most of the ride with her head down. She wasn't snorting as much as she has done in the past and she stopped to sniff poo and eat grass/leaves. Only one or two thresholds today too and I let her decide when she was ready to move on.
She attempted to bite Bertie on the bum a few times but I just stroked her and sometimes did some half halts by lifting the rein and bouncing it up and down. She seems to like the rhythm judging by her response. She slows down and keeps her distance.
I focussed on helping B stay relaxed and playing with sideways and more zig zag. We got some lovely sideways to the left although it was near the exit and the third time I asked for it she resisted and got annoyed, head in the air and breaking into trot to get nearer the exit.

All these photos were taken after our ride. I nagged Sandra into taking the ones of me on B as I never have enough! Then I let B mooch about and cool off a little before she went back in her stable.
Show me the carrots! I know they're in there somewhere!!

Saturday, 30 October 2010

Winter's on it's way.

It's daylight saving time tomorrow and the clocks go back an hour. This means I get an extra hour in bed but it will now get dark at 4.30 in the afternoon!
It feels like I haven't done much with Breeze this week. I have been very busy at work and not getting to the yard until late. So we have been hanging out together and I have been focusing on asking B to let me pick her feet out and place them back down for her. She lifts them and holds them up for me now. This morning she stood on the pedestal and I cleaned her feet out there lol. there has been some mud to wrestle with too and B is getting more relaxed about grooming.
We have had some very short play in the school over the week. She has offered a lot so I have ended the sessions the minute she did something good.
This morning we went into the school without the c/s and B kept switching off. She couldn't do anything but drop her head and stare into nothing. So we left and played with the two pedestals outside her stable. I mucked out and then we went back in with the c/s.
B was a different horse lol. No thresholds, no dropping of the head. We did have some brace but this time I made sure I didn't let her back up and not do as I asked. Her bracing is becoming much less of an issue and she comes towards me quite quickly and easily now. We got some lovely falling leaf in trot and then circle game, although I did have to tag the ground to get trot. She didn't blow up at all and then offered to jump over a jump and turn and face me. We played with this a few times. She was delightful and I couldn't help but laugh and enjoy the moment. So lovely to see B's enthusiasm and energy. I wonder if she is becoming more confident in herself.
This evening I got to the yard late again and thought because B had been in her stable all day she might like a walk. It was obvious she was hungry and wanted her dinner so I gave her that first. I rugged and haltered her and asked her out of her stable with the rope draped over her withers. She walked out and across the courtyard with me and waited by the shed while I topped up her hay net. We walked together back to her stable where she stopped by her hay net which I had hung outside and began to eat. So much for the walk lol. I left her untied and she just stood and munched while I mucked out and finished for the evening.

Sunday, 24 October 2010

I don't want to!

Breeze and Brown Bertie have a grooming session over the arena fence.

It's been an interesting week for B and I. We didn't ride until today. Instead I spent my time with B playing in the school or just hanging out with her. I have kept the play sessions short and set B up for success. We have slowly been chipping away at her bracing online and I have been asking for a teeny bit of sideways over things without letting her get addicted to it again.

Breeze has also done a few things I haven't seen her do before, or things she could do but refused to let me see her do lol. All four feet on the pedestal and then standing with fronts one one pedestal and backs on the other for a start. Last night she dozed in her stable while I sat and did nothing. The other night when I went to leave for the night she hung her head over the stable door and rested her nose on my shoulder and breathed in my ear while I scratched her face and ears. Occasionally she would nuzzle my ear and hair and I nearly cried because it felt like a very special moment.

While writing this I have realised she hasn't trodden on her rope at all this week, that's new too. Picking her feet out has got much better. We had a lovely soft play to see what mood she was in and saddling today was just as good as it gets really. She wanted to put her nose on the saddle the minute I got it out and she didn't walk away when I offered it up to her back. Getting on was lovely too.

And then it all went pear shaped lol! Breeze did not want to leave the yard. It wasn't fear, it wasn't a threshold, is was pure and simple 'I don't want to and you can't make me'! Every time I asked her forwards she wanted to turn around but only to the left. I tried asking for LF to the right but she just backed up and I am really trying to be soft but assertive so I didn't want to force the issue. So we did a lot of LF and I mean a lot. I waited and waited and tried again and again while Sandra patiently waited for me. It didn't help when someone asked me if I was ok and laughed when I said I was but I was waiting for B to decide for herself that it was ok. I even thought I might cry but managed not to as I sat there trying to find the right arrow in my quiver. Then it hit me, Breeze was not going to be a partner so....I hopped off! Then we walked across the road and I got on from a bench in the pub car park and we headed off into the woods calmly and happily.

I have been watching a lot of Parelli dvd's over and over. 'Behaviour shaping for the horse' has really made an impact on me and given me a lot to think about and put into practice. Taking my freestyle abilities further is not something I thought I would ever have to do when I had Lizzie. Looks like now I am on a very steep learning curve again and I had better up my game even more asap! I have mixed emotions about this. Since the very beginning of my Parelli journey I have watched others in awe and some jealousy, wishing I could do that. My unconfident side thinks I can't do it anyway. My fearful side says it doesn't want to even try. The rest of me thinks well, just give it a go and see what happens.

I wonder if my teeny bit of apprehension today got through to Breeze because of what happened last week. But I gave it a lot of thought all week and visualised a successful ride and I was focused on dealing with what ever Breeze would give me. So I did ppl most of the way around the old woods, pushing that bad banana out! Breeze was lovely. She didn't brace or get tight and did a lot of blowing out. We walked all the way and did a lot of weaving and circling to the right. I saw that B is resistant to right turns and thought more of them would help her. I found she didn't know how to go sideways! Not from the saddle. But I managed to teach her a basic sideways to the left, that being her strong side for now. I think B enjoyed the weaving and circling, even managing to go around Bert and Sandra away from home. She was very responsive and I am managing to do more in my body now to ask her to turn and am using the reins less and less. Which is great because I have to constantly remind myself not to hold tightly to the reins and have soft hands. So easy for me to brace!

We stopped at the exit without B bracing and Sandra and Bert carried on alone. Breeze waited patiently as the endless, it seems, amount of carsd went past before we could cross the road. We had a mooch around the yard and had a play with put your nose on this and then some lovely back up without using the reins! Time to get off after scratching her and giving her bits of carrots and a big thank you.

These are some photos from yesterdays chill in the woods. Breeze was very relaxed and happy and we had a great time hanging out together.

Tuesday, 19 October 2010

Zone 1

Breeze and I went for our (almost regular now) Tuesday morning walk in the woods. I had an idea to see what she is like being directed by the c/s in zone 1 and it was very interesting. I have waited a while to do this as she was quite head shy at first. Now I found she tried to totally ignore it and often bumped into it but without exploding. I had a think about this as we walked along with me in zone 3 and 5, wondering what her mum would have done when Breeze was a foal if she had ignored her mum's wishes lol.

I had no need to go up the phases at all and that was nice to see. I left it totally up to B to decide if she would move where I asked her to or walk into the c/s. Very interesting to see the exact point at which B switches from unconfident and not listening to being soft eyed and following my slightest suggestion. Leaving the yard she didn't have any thresholds today but instead she ignored me and just tried to go off in whatever direction she wanted, pulling on the rope. I bumped her a couple of times to get her attention and in the short distance from her stable to the road I had both her eyes on me. I find I have to do this when we saddle up sometimes because she insists on moving back or forwards when I put the saddle up to her back. I will let her do this up to a point but it becomes too much of an LB game so I interrupt the pattern and she stands still.

We went down to the first turn on the mile and 1/4 again and B was a lot more relaxed. We played eat here and here and here. I love it when she gets so responsive we can stand next to each other and she will mirror my exact movements stepping back and forwards together. She didn't want to carry on down the bridle path so we played approach and retreat using the c/s again to direct her. I think she was a little surprised when trying to put her head way up in the air to avoid me that I could still reach with the c/s and block her!

We had a little practice at walking past the exit without getting emotional and wanting to go home immediately. Then on to the tree stump and she hopped up on it without hesitation. Then home and out to the field. As I watched her go from the gate three male pheasants walked out of the bushes unaware that I was there. I stayed a while to see Breeze go and have a drink, roll and then greet the herd. She trotted around a little then settled down to graze next to one of her best buddies.

November the 5th is looming and last night some bright spark (pun intended) was setting off fireworks from the pub garden just at the same time I went to get B in from the field. That made the catching game very 'interesting' as every time I got next to B it coincided with a bang and her and the herd would spook and run away and around me. After a few tries I decided to just stand with my back to her and wait. Almost immediately I felt and heard her breath in my ear and we haltered and made our way to the gate.

Breeze had lots of thresholds, no surprise there, so we spent some time walking around the yard while the fireworks exploded above our heads. Interestingly she became very calm with me despite the chaos. Excellent.

Sunday, 17 October 2010

Oh boy! Oh boy! Oh boy!

I don't know if I have been really savvy or not but in any case what happened today has had an incredible affect on me. And its good! I think lol.

We had a lovely play in the school before saddling up (which didn't go as smoothly as before). Breeze stood on the pedestal with all four feet and then put her fronts on the wooden pedestal next to it!! I watched her face as she got up on the pedestal and could see she knew I was asking her to get her back feet up too. Usually she just leaps off if I ask her forward. Today she thought about it and decided it was worth doing as I asked lol. Clever girl!

I got on and B was incredibly calm and happy. We just stood around and waited for Sandra. For once I was ready before her and Bert! We didn't have as much trouble leaving the yard. B had a few thresholds but I let her rest and waited until she could move.
We let the horse eat whenever they wanted down the first bit of the mile and 1/4 until the turn where we had a trot. B did her jiggly trot so we played with transitions and let Bert and Sandra go ahead and give us space because whenever B got near Bert she bit his bum! We got a nice trot and then she offered the most beautiful canter I have ever felt, all too briefly because we were soon on top of Bert and Breeze pushed past him. Ooops!
We managed to ride side by side for a while with Sandra preserving her herd of two if B made to bite Bertie. After that she stopped having a go at him and Sandra and I were able to have a chat. Then we played weave along the road by the golf course, cafe in and out if the fence posts. I am really getting the hang of turning with all of my body and hardly need the reins. I am sure B loves this game too.

Breeze took the lead for most of the ride and it all went nicely until the top of the old woods. I asked B to turn down the straight but she refused. Sandra and Bert passed us and carried on while B and I played the 'out donkey the donkey' game. Eventually B decided she would carry on down the straight and I expected to see Sandra and Bert ahead at any moment.
Well, we never did catch them up. We turned right into the old woods and B began to jig. I asked her to walk and we did this for a while. I could feel she was getting unconfident and asked for trot because I thought getting nearer home quicker would help. Her trot got ragged which was a little uncomfortable and I realised I wasn't very balanced. Lately I have been using the reins for balance and hanging on to them when we go into trot. I am really trying not to do this! Funny how quickly we develop bad habits and then it takes a long time to retrain ourselves and so easy to fall back into old habits. She began shaking her head, which I have noticed she does when she is getting emotional, and then we were cantering! It wasn't the calm comfortable canter we had earlier, it was probably what is described as 'bombing off' and she was running in a panic. I felt very detached and calm when I realised all this was going on. Usually I go back to the awful fearful place I was in just before I fell off and ended up in hospital but today was different. Why I wonder. Is it because I have more savvy and I understand Breeze? I have come a long way since then and perhaps I have really learned to ride? I certainly felt determined not to fall off and was 'in the moment' knowing I had to help Breeze.

I asked her to slow down, nothing happened. I grabbed her mane and reached down for that rein and turned her with all my strength but still nothing happened. How interesting. In a split second I saw a tree up ahead and focussed on that, turning B's head more and we stopped with B's shoulder almost on the tree and her head over the fence. I sat there trying to feel how she felt. She was shaking! More than me it seems too. I stroked her neck and was amazed to find I wasn't worried or scared for myself but concerned for B. I thought about getting off but when I let the rein slacken she jigged off so we spent more time just resting with her in lateral flexion until she could be calm. I don't know why I didn't want to get off. Perhaps I thought we could sort this out from the saddle even though I know it can be done from the ground. I found if I stroked her and talked to her she got calm and I just waited until I felt she was ready to go home.

She was a little tense until the top of the old woods so I kept stroking her and talking to her and just thinking calm thoughts. When we got past the turn then we played a lot of weave, circle and fig 8 around the trees to get her mind working and give her lots to think about. I remember talking to her saying, now pay attention because we are going to do a lot of this and I don't want you making assumptions lol. Breeze blew out and relaxed until we got to the exit. There is a playground in the pub garden and the screaming kids seem to make B tense again. So we did some one rein stops again and I gave her time to stand and relax. Then we left the woods and went back home.

Back at the yard Sandra was putting her tack away and said she had tried to call me but got no reply. It was then that I realised I had lost my precious Blackberry! I had to put B away in her stable and Sandra and I trudged back to the old woods where luckily I found my phone. Oh happy day!

I hung out with B and brushed off the now dried sweat from her back with her not protesting so much for once lol. Phew! What a day! I guess I will spend my time thinking this over and guarding against any negative thoughts. It remains to be seen if I keep my cool for the next ride. I do feel very proud of myself and am hoping I have helped B overcome things too. But I know how very well practiced I am at belittling my achievements and how I let those nasty thoughts I get spoil it for me.

Friday, 15 October 2010


The last couple of evenings I have been playing with B in the school in the dark and light rain. I don't get to the yard until well after dark now so we make the most of the time whatever the weather.

Last nights session was quite short and low key with a lot of dwell time and I did have doubts about what purpose it served to stand under the lights and do very little lol.

This evening things had changed and I noticed our draw is getting really good. B tried to brace against me but because we have been working on draw she never goes to that place at the moment. We had some really good back up over poles and yo yo to the end of the 22' line. As for circle game, I have been very careful to keep my energy down and we haven't had much circle at all. This evening Breeze would offer one lap and come in or a bit of a lap and come in. I would thank her and stroke her and send her out again. This progressed to just slowing down again but if I asked she would carry on ok. Then I asked with more energy and we got several laps in walk and trot! Slowly but surely we are making progress.

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

Mile and 1/4 walk.

I have a rotten head cold and didn't feel like riding. But it was such a lovely sunny morning I thought a walk in the woods would be good for me and I wanted to spend some undemanding time with B. We had a graze by the arena first and I focussed on letting B decide where SHE wanted to go. We spent some time eating grass but she walked into the arena twice. Initially it was to go and stare at the herd in the field and I turned that into a slow walk around the arena with me picking blackberries and feeding them to B. I didn't ask anything of her, we just picked and ate blackberries. The second time we trotted side by side and had a bit of a silly play with some stick to me which was fun, dodging around each other and me giggling.

We headed off over the road and this time B didn't have any thresholds leaving the yard. Cool. We played eat here and here with some lovely lush grass and made our way to the first turn where there is a gateway from the road to the footpath. Every time Breeze and I have ridden down here she has really wanted to go and see this exit. Until now she hasn't been calm enough or confident enough to go there.

A man appeared when we got there eating a pear. I suggested he had better hide the pear because pear is B's favourite food. He smiled, asked if it was OK and gave it to her! Of course she ate it all in one go. He was a Polish worker from the football training ground that's being built just down the road. We had a brief chat about the area and he joked he should come back with a couple of kilos of pears lol. I warned him B would try and eat the lot in one go.

Today I asked her in to have a look. She wanted to go along the footpath but I didn't think it was a good idea. It's a little too narrow for a big horse like B to turn if she needed to.

We played yo yo in and out and we both went fully in to have a look. There is the busy road the other side and although B wanted to go and look I didn't think it was safe. Next she had a good look down the mile and 1/4 then we turned for home. We went past the exit with a little direction from the c/s but not a lot of resistance. Then it was back to the yard to spend the rest of the day out in the sunshine.

Sunday, 10 October 2010

Negative into positive

What a glorious Autumn day! It started off dull and windy as we grazed around the yard. Sandra and I grazed both our horses side by side which was great, in contrast to the traditional stuff going on in the arena. When the arena was empty, after saddling up very nicely, Breeze and I went in for a short play. Interestingly Breeze went introverted after I praised her for doing some particularly great circle game. Our draw has improved a lot and she mirrored everything I did from zone 3 as we did our pre-flight checks.

Getting on was lovely. Calm and polite. As soon as we got out of the courtyard B went RB somewhat and couldn't go towards the gate to the road. We played approach and retreat while Sandra and Bert waited for us. Interestingly B could give me LF to the left to turn around but not on the right. I did ask for it and finally I persisted, she turned to the right and immediately relaxed and walked forwards.

As we entered the woods and went down the mile and 1/4 it really felt like B was totally LBI and sticking her tongue out at me as it were. Sandra said she had a sullen look on her face and her mouth was tight. She wanted to stop and eat all over the place so we played lets go eat here and here and here. We passed another horse from the yard, chilling and eating grass. Breeze got going after that but she kept trying to bite Bertie. When we trotted it was her uncomfortable ragged trot so we went back to walk. Everything bothered her. Riders coming up behind her made her very unconfident and claustrophobic. She would stop and turn to look at them, then the golfers the other side of the hedges, then try and run off ahead. I tried lots of scratches and strokes and partial disengagement but it didn't really help and I began getting a bit annoyed. I started to doubt my horsemanship, blaming myself for Breeze being RB. Did I not do enough before I got on. Did I read her incorrectly. Why couldn't I help her today? Then I found I was thinking I wasn't good enough to be her leader and going to Stoneleigh next year would be a disaster. Amazing how much negativity a person can cram into a few minutes of time!!!

By this time we had been passed by a few more riders and then got to the viaduct and the conservation project. I snapped back to reality and thought oh boy here we go with B's thresholds lol. As it turns out there was a local riding school group of about 5 and we all joined together to make a bigger, safer herd for the horses and we all got passed the horse eating mud pile and machinery together.

The group went off ahead and we went into the old woods. It occurred to me that B and I are both quite claustrophobic then and now we had somewhere to go and do stuff that wasn't just going in a straight line! We weaved and circled around trees and went into the woods, around Bert and Sandra, in the opposite direction and back again to them. Breeze relaxed and was listening to me now! We had a great ride form then on. Her trot was lovely and we even dodged around trees and the log where we get on sometimes. It felt like a slalom ride and I couldn't help but laugh out loud. We trotted up to the trees where we weave and B was really enjoying herself now lol. Circles, fig 8's away from Bert and Sandra and no objections from B. At the exit I asked her to carry on, leaving Bert ad Sandra standing at the exit!! This was a real first and blew my mind lol. Breeze got to stop and turn for home then.

Got any carrots?
Breeze blew out loads as we crossed the road and I decided perhaps we could stay together a bit longer so we mooched around the yard for a good 20 mins. Going here and there, standing around and generally having a ball. We chatted to Sandra and a few others. I have often wanted to do this but never have because I have let fear or lack of time put me off. I definitely felt Breeze tense as we went passed the arena gate. I whispered in her ear that we weren't going in there today and not to worry. One day we will, we are just not ready yet.

The sun warmed us and I stuffed B's face with carrots until it was time to get off. I unsaddled her and she followed me around to where I hosed her legs off with the rope resting on her back. She walked off now and again but it's easy to grab the rope and ask her back to me. I let her stay out in the courtyard while she ate hay and let me scratch the sweat off her coat, it seemed such a shame to have to put her back in her stable on such a lovely day.

I found a new itchy spot this morning as B and I stood together on the pedestal. While I scratched the base of her neck at the top of her chest she groomed me back! I am making my way into her heart, slowly but surely lol. Could I ever wish for anything else?

Tuesday, 5 October 2010

Isolate, separate and recombine.

Sometimes, as I drive home from the yard and a mind blowing (or otherwise) session with Breeze I try to think of titles for my blog post. I usually want the title to reflect what has happened or at least be humourous. Today I came up with a few but settled on this one as it seemed appropriate. Of course, not trusting my own judgement I had to look the phrase up, sure that I had got it wrong. No, I had it right but it could also have been unconscious competence but that would be giving myself too much credit lol.

I could have ridden today or I could have just turned B out like I did yesterday because we had a full on weekend and Sundays ride took a lot out of me and really tested our relationship. I could have done a lot of things but the deciding factor is always play with the horse that shows up. Breeze seemed quite LBI this morning, even to the point of being pushy and crabby. I backed her out of her stable and all of a sudden I had two eyes and a willing, eager horse. We played with both pedestals outside her stable and then I left her ground tied outside the shed while I got c/s and treats. Breeze tried to sneak off into another shed next door but I was kind of watching her despite not being able to see her. As soon as I knew she had sidled over to the open shed door I gently bumped the rope and backed her up. 'Wow!' she said,' I am impressed, so impressed I cannot take my eyes off you' lol.

Oh boy! Did I have her full attention. We moseyed to the arena and had the most wonderful play session. Perhaps this weekend I proved myself to Breeze just a teeny weeny bit more. Perhaps it was all Lydia's doing in teaching B not to brace in that brief window of trailer loading? I will never really know, will I? Doesn't stop me feeling wonderful though!

Breeze hardly braced at all. She thought about it on circle game but decided coming to me was a better idea lol. She 'got it!'. I could almost imagine I could hear those brain cells of hers buzzing as they worked 'it' out. 'It' being that I am being particular in asking her to do things she can and wants to do. Also being particular in breaking things down into separate steps, then putting them together. She tried going sideways when I asked her to back up over a pole and when I bumped her she didn't get offended or freak out but stopped and thought about it, lick and chew, lick and chew. We got back up over two poles set a few feet apart, then forwards and we played with different feet over and back!

She spooked at some people walking on the path outside and around the arena so we went to investigate. The two men stopped and held their hands out to Breeze in the 'horseman's handshake'! I have noticed more and more people do this and it thrills me to bits. We left them to walk away and did some trot next to me and back up over to get the most beautiful fig 8 around two jump sides with poles on the ground in between.

Circle game and change of direction was exuberant at first, snaky head and snappy send, then she settled into walk and trot and c.o.d. with her head low, then she blew out. I didn't ask for circle again because that was exactly what I was looking for. We left the arena by backing out and B got handfuls of carrot bits, stuff /munch, stuff/munch.

Lately she has had thresholds leaving the yard so we popped over the road to the woods in trot, together! I backed her onto the bridle path from zone 3 next to her, asked her to yield her HQ and backed her out again. Then we explored the car park and I asked her under the willow tree and let her rest and eat whatever she liked. She looked at me so happily with love in her eyes, or did I imagine it? I felt we were really connected today. So much so that back on the yard I left the line on her withers as I rugged her and we walked around the yard to the field at liberty. She went through the gate I held open, went to yield her HQ but instead headed off up the runway lol. Hmm, lost her there? She stopped and waited for me halfway while I took her halter off and backed up next to me as I opened the second gate. Then she was gone. Off to find her herd. I turned and walked away, smiling, to do the chores.

Sunday, 3 October 2010

Hatfield sponsored ride.

Our first rosette.

The weather turned out to be not as windy and wet as we thought it would be but it made the ground quite wet and slippery. It was quite hard getting up early on a Sunday especially as I have been dentally challenged these last few days and had an allergic reaction to an antibiotic!
This was our first sponsored ride together for B and I and I was a little anxious about it. Breeze loaded really easily and I just knew it must be a fluke lol. I even said so to the others and perhaps I jinxed it as you will see later.

Breeze wasn't very calm when she came off the box so we had a bit of a play and some lush grass before saddling up. B walked off the first time I attempted getting on but stood still for the second try. We set off, just three of us who wanted to take it easy as the others didn't want to wait.

Breeze began by jigging a little, probably because I was nervous inside but we soon settled into walk and trot and took in the scenery. I let B stop every time we met a threshold although she seemed insistent on being in the lead a lot of the time. Her fear of puddles soon disappeared when there was no way along the bridle paths but through the puddles lol.
Some of the ground was quite stony and because all three of our horses are barefoot Lydia got off and walked over these bits, Bert had his boots on and Breeze, although watching carefully where she put her feet, didn't seem uncomfortable.

All three horses were happy to let others pass, although I have noticed B is very bothered by people and horses coming up behind her. None of our three wanted to follow any of the passers by and by halfway round were content to eat whenever we stopped. Well Bert and Jina did and it took B a while to relax enough to eat sometimes. A few times just stopping to acknowledge B's thresholds wasn't enough and she turned to go back the way we came. All I did was keep turning her and waited until she could carry on. Sometimes she would offer lateral flexion and turn herself! How cool is that!?

I knew we weren't ready to canter but we did manage some trot although it wasn't always comfortable for me lol. We will get there as her balance and self carriage improves. I noticed she shook her head sometimes just like Lizzie used to in our early Parelli days, when feeling under stress in dealing with no contact in the hackamore. I stroke the reins and her neck to help her feel connected with me and I think it helps as she soon settles.

Near the end of the ride B got a little more unconfident as if she couldn't decide what she wanted when the finish and the horseboxes came into view. Others were cantering past some way off but B didn't know if she wanted to move, eat grass or walk on the road. I found my patience ran out all of a sudden so instead of getting mad, I got off! This meant B could move her feet by circling around me, I could feel safe and she could stop for grass. This didn't improve her mood and she was somewhat RB when we got to the truck.

I wonder if all the predatory sounds from others loading their horses unsettled her but loading turned out to be quite an issue. I said I had probably jinxed it earlier! The rain fell, Breeze refused to get on the ramp and we began our pulling back 'routine'. I tried to make the right thing easy and the wrong uncomfortable but, in retrospect, I made it all too big if that makes sense. Then Lydia offered to help and I gratefully let her. Lydia played with her a little and then began to be persistent in asking B not to pull back but nose, neck, maybe the feet on the ramp. Lydia reminded me that we are taught never to release on a brace but B's pulling back was such an issue I never won the battle and actually lately I have just stopped any pressure at all when she backed up. Today Lydia did and pretty soon B was on the ramp and then in the horse box. It was lovely to watch and I couldn't thank Lydia enough.

Breeze was the last to load but we were waiting to give a lift to someone else so Lydia suggested I take over and play with getting in and out of the box. After a few ins and outs B was happy to stand in the small space left for her and eat hay. We rested there for a while until I was sure she was calm and happy and I put the partition in place and left her to rest. The last horse and rider got loaded and we set off home. We dropped off the last horse on then stopped to off load another necessitating three of us unloading our horses. This time B went back on quite quickly without either of us getting upset and we got back to the yard pretty quickly.

It took B a while to settle back in her stable. I waited until she calmed down enough and watched her as she yawned, hardly opening her mouth to begin with, then getting progressively wider and wider. Time for her tea, P.J's on and me to go home and fall over with fatigue lol.