Saturday, 22 January 2011

Online follow the rail.

We had a very LB play in the arena this morning. I asked B to simulate opening and shutting the gate as if i were riding her and then we started off with online follow the rail. I watched the Jan Parelli dvd last night and yet again it struck home that this is something I should be doing. Asking for a little more and progressing if we are to ride with a purpose in the arena.

Breeze just fell into the pattern like she had done it her whole life. We did one whole circuit in walk, rested, then did the other direction. I hardly had to correct her and most of the time she was quite far from me on the 22' line with me in z3.

Circle game was just as LB although B didn't always maintain gait but stopped at a cone so we played with c.o.d instead which helped her focus and we ended up with nice steady complete circles. I also asked her to yo yo and wait for as long as I wanted at the end of the 22' line. I am going to concentrate on asking for more laps now that she is more confident. We had slow fig 8 but she got stuck going around the right side cone so I thought she might need to do something more energetic as she seemed to be getting slower lol. We had some fun upping the pace to trot and she gave me some lovely jumps with c.o.d so we ended it there. No explosions or unconfidence. Marvelous.

B spent quite a bit of time standing on the pedestal outside her stable while I mucked out. Then I found her chewing on Chelsea's stable door! I wonder what she might be missing in her diet, or perhaps she just likes the taste. I am cutting out the chaff and going to give her dried 'ready grass' instead. I know she loves it and it has no molasses in it like chaff.

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