Sunday, 16 January 2011

Never a dull moment with B!

Can you see the sand?

We had the most interesting day today, Breeze and I. We moseyed about and she ate grass for ages before I saddled her up. We couldn't play in the school, there were three horses loose in there which is too many to play around.
B was relaxed and happy to be saddled, we did some pre-flight checks and I got on from a haylage bale in the yard. She was calm and happy as we left the yard without too many thresholds. Sandra and Bertie hadn't waited for us but gone ahead across the road without us.
Breeze and I crossed the road alone and into the woods without thresholds or B getting tense. This is a first!

We caught up with Sandra and Bert along the mile and 1/4 where B wanted to play eat and walk on most of the way. We carried ok until someone came up behind us. For some reason B hates it when another horse and rider comes up behind us. While this was happening Bert had a huge spook and turned towards us which made B feel tense and probably claustrophobic. We did some tight circles asking for lateral flexion then carried on when she was calm in trot to get some distance away from the other horse. Further on we let them pass us. We tried trotting again but B was tense and it was very choppy so we walked for a while.

All went nicely for a while until a jogger appeared which B thought was too scary. We had a discussion about it and I waited until she could be calm again with lots of praise and strokes. The logs had gone from the viaduct and B took the lead up the straight and we turned into the old woods. We trotted for a while until she wanted Bert to go in front. We tried trotting again but she was too tense so I asked her to walk again until we reached near the top.
The ground is very sloppy and wet which the horses found hard going. We came across a fallen tree which Bert stepped over easily. B couldn't do it and got a bit unhappy because Bert was the other side. We did some approach and retreat and unexpectedly a man came up behind waving at us. This was too much for B who jumped the log with me almost hanging off one side! Phew! This is the first time we have jumped anything together...I must learn to relax more, especially if B is going to jump diagonally!

B offered trot at the top of the old woods which was nice to begin with but she got a bit RB and headed into the trees. I am so glad I wear a helmet I thought, as we crashed through the branches until I could grab one rein and stop her. I asked her to weave in and out of the trees along the way home which calmed her until we got near to the pub car park. Some kids were shouting up in the play area. B doesn't like shouting and I felt her tense as we passed them and left the bridle path.

Sandra got off to cross and we followed. The I had the bright idea to go into the school just like we did last week. Breeze was ok with that and we squeezed past the open gate and did a circle near the gate. I left B alone to rest and gave her a bit of carrot. I asked her to move again and she circled again to go back to the gate, sniffing the ground as we went. Then to my surprise I felt her drop to her knees and suddenly realised she was going to roll!
I managed to get my legs free before she hit the ground and threw myself away from her and lay there laughing as she rolled over. A few people were standing near enough to see and one called out to ask if I was ok. I shouting thanks as best I could while still laughing.

B looked surprised to see me standing in front of her when she got up. I didn't get back on but gave her a hug and we walked back to her stable to take the saddle off and a groom. I am so glad I have a soft treeless saddle that didn't get damaged lol.

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